Apple Expo PR stunt


web developer
I and toast from this board are planning to do some video interviews and reports from the Apple Expo in Paris, and if everything goes as planned, we'll be broadcasting a show the 16. and 17. via a QuickTime streaming server supporting approx. 2000 connections. That is, if Apple get their finger out and send us press passes, and the server people get the streaming server back up running.

So, any ideas for what to do? Questions, and who to interview? What to focus on? The G5 or the people?
Focus on bringing me back a new 15" Powerbook :)

Focus on both hardware, software and people.

Interview anyone of importance to the Mac community you can find.

What will the future bring for G5's, what's coming after the 2Ghz?

What will the Powerbooks be in 2004-2005?

What is in store for the OS?

What new apps will Apple produce?
Try getting Ives or Jobs to slip some info on future where the iMac is going design-wise...

The computers are seen before, do interviews instead of focusing on G5.

And should you happen to see previously unseen products (new powerbook for example), make sure you get video footage and pictures from all angles and details...
Try to get backstage and get some classified dirt. Or make it funny, try to get thrown out. :)

Do you know what times you'll be broadcasting? I'd like to watch, but I don't want it to conflict with school or work (or sleep).
Originally posted by arden
Do you know what times you'll be broadcasting? I'd like to watch, but I don't want it to conflict with school or work (or sleep).

I'll most likely set up an on-demand stream. So you can watch whenever you want to :)
Alrighty, plans are changed slightly.
We'll be providing with live coverage of the keynote, and video clips/interviews of visitors and exhibitors.

Keep an eye on MacNN the following days.
Thanks for the suggestions, guys. I'll be there to translate from French to English, and vice versa. Gonna have fun, my voice sucks in a microphone, I sound useless (not to mention the accent that may sound too Englishesque to some).

And of course we'll interview people, indeed [;)]

We cannot tell you more, I am very sorry.[/Men in Black voice].
Ugg and I are thinking of trying something like this at Macworld SF... we'll give you more details when something actually comes to fruition.
The work for MacNN is cool. Just, try to capture the whole experience of the expo. from a member point of view. Also, try to be funny but serious. Plus, don't forget about keep a steady camera and have decent lighting and sound. Lastly, look and pay attention to all the small vendors. They come with some cool products that don't the major lime light.
done ! we taped it. i've taken notes.

if you want, create a thread where we (ksv and i) can post regularly. tell me by mail ( about it and we'll post when we can.