Apple has got to do something with the dock!


Can can put a folder in the dock and use it to launch items, but you can't drag and drop things into that folder's popup menu.
2) aled: Why can't you do what the other user suggested? Put a folder of aliases in the right side of the dock, add a custom icon, and use that as your "tabbed folder". It fits quite nicely in the dock. Seriously, the Dock isn't that bad.

Yeh, I have done that. But it isn't AS good as a Folder Drawer / Tabbed Folder. You can't drag file inons onto it and move the file icon over your aliases to select the application you want it to launch.

And another thing. Apple has added the Copy / Paste of files and folders just like Windows has. This is almost an admission that Apple has got navigation wrong. You would NEVER need that on OS 9. It was so quick to move files to where they were needed - with the likes of Spring loaded folders and Tabbed Folders. But in OS X try dragging lots of files around - you'll soon find it hard to get to where you want them without moving lots of windows out of the way all the time. This just slows down productivity.
My solution to the "problem" of moving items from folder to folder was to put about half a dozen of my frequently-used folders right into my Finder toolbar. Thus, they appear in every Finder window, and you can drag items to them.
Column nav is pretty sweet, and two column views is better than anything in 9 for dragging files. I don't like copy and paste, but I have to admit that it's probably more useful than copying a list of folder names like OS 9 did.

I want the windowshade option back in the OS, I never want mini windows in my dock. I can hide the app, (I often option click to my destination app)

As for ease of switching apps, putting the apps in the dock allows you to arrange them so that you control (mostly) where they are. I do think the dock has some clutter issues. But it is decent for finding stuff you use often.

If it would be possible to have a regular dock and a minimized window dock that may or may not be the same dock, that would clear things up for a lot of people.

As for the menus above the apps coming up faster, the solution is the control key or a right mouse button.

And all of this is independant of the fact that burrowing folders rocked. If there is any way for those to come back, I want it. And the folder in the dock would be way cooler if you could burrow by dragging.

And the bouncing error thing ... yeah, obnoxious like a mo-fo yo. I really like the pulsing translucent red arrow obove the app. That would be way sweeter than my icons butting their heads against the edge of my screen.

Anyone who can't say anything more than "the dock sucks" doesn't get it. It's a little oversimplified. But it's decent. Too many people still think that OS X is just supposed to be a multitasking OS 9. I'm happy to be revisiting some of these issues. Sometimes I don't think we visit enough of them. Anyone remember BeOS?
Ah... the Be OS... yeah, I had that running on my Performa 6400/200 AV... I must say, that was a nice little OS.... speedy, different looking, and took wonderful andatage of the processing power of the PowerPC chip... I remember even opening a quicktime file that was running at 15 frames per second, AND I could use live window dragging, and it wouldn't drop a frame.... wonderful little OS.... and, come to think of it, it had a little miniature dock, right? It looked like OS9's application menu, but was always open, and in the upper right.... I kinda liked that.....

too bad we can't morph OSX's dock to whatever "view settings" we see fit.
:) Don't remember where is saw it; but this weekend in one of the news forums and probably VersionTracker, some has released a Shareware replacement for Window Shade that works only in X.

I have to disagree with you on the copy-paste issue. Copy-paste files is not just a navigation issue - its a, well, copy-paste issue. Let me start over :-)

When the Jobster threatened to take away the desktop, my biggest issue was a missing clipboard. The desktop was like the clipboard for files. Drag and drop is a transient form of copy/cut-paste. In non-Finder activities we use Drag 'n' Drop as a shortcut when both the source and destination are visible. Since 9's Finder did not support copy-paste, the Desktop was a convenient clipboard.

Copy-Paste of files objects should be no different than copy-paste of text or image objects. This is just functionality that should have been there.

As far as navigation, I beleive you are looking for a way to Drag 'n' Drop when the destination is not visible. Spring-Loaded folders gave that (and so does auto-scrolling and etc). SLF were very ackward. Apple should implement auto horizontal scroll in the column-view to acheive the same effect.
I think the Docks functionality is ok. Before OSX I used an app called Malph, a freeware launcher by a guy that works for apple. I had it set up to 16x16 icons, and placed it in my bottom left corner, growing towards the right. Now it will take alot of apps to fill my 1200 screen width with 16x16 icons! That's roughly 66 icons if you count that each icon has a 2 pixel spacer, which I am not sure of.

My complain is about the application in itself, and how it is programmed. The Dock must be terribly written! It seams to me that the Dock will hog the processor some times just to show you the title of the icon you are hovering above. This can be very anoying at times! That's without magnification, I don't want to know what the Dock does then!! :p
I really like the dock,

Especially this bouncing icon when it has
something to say: I'm always working without sound at the office and I find it a good way to advertise of an event, when you're doing something, or when you got 15 apps onpen in atime and the same ammount of windows.
I always have tasks running in background, with this boucing thing, I always know when they're finished.

In the past, I always got Dragthing running, to have everything just there on the screen, now i'm Using the Dock. My only complain about this is that I want to put some separators in my dock, this would be cool !

... I Like the Dock, like somebody says, here I think, with the dock and the apple menu, you do not have to touch your disks anymore...
About Easykeys.

Perhaps I didn't understand you mindbend but doesn't the controlpanel where you set your keyboard setting (I don't know what the english version is called) do this?

I have Mac OS 9.04 and without any extra control panels or extensions I can use F1-F15 to launch my favourite 15 apps.
Originally posted by Javintosh

BTW: When I said I was waiting for WindowShade for Cocoa apps I was refering to the fact that the current version of WindowShade X only works with Carbon apps. The next release is supposed to work with both Carbon and Cocoa apps. =>

I think people are doing a pretty good job of supplying those features many people think should still be part of the OS. I use snard as my apple menu surrogate (although to be honest, I used finderpop instead of the apple menu on MacOS 9). I liked the ability to add/delete aliases without opening the finderpop items menu.

finderpop for X would truly rock!


Have you tried ASM? I used Snard until ASM cam e of age, it is now indispensible. Check it out on or It is now a system pref pane just like Tinker Tool and WindowshadeX. I swear, youll love it.