Apple has shortcuts to the G5 page up!!!!!


Prime Minister
This doesn't work from the homepage. What you need to do is type in a fictional apple product (I used when you get the "not found" page, type "G5" (without the quotation marks) into the search box. You'll have no searches found, But you WILL have a shortcut found, and it points to the current G4 processor page. In order to get it to work correctly, you have to follow this syntax, it wont work from the homepage. The reason behind this is that Apple is going to replace the G4 page with the G5 page on Monday....If that's no proof, I don't know WHAT is.
Well, I'm not a web guy @ all...but I'm in the Apple Store (Miami) right now, and the way that someone explained it to me is that they put up a shortcut so that the pages could be easily interchanged afer monday morning. And the eyeTV ROCKS. I couldnt like it better.
Yeah.... could just be that the sitemasters are getting a jump on things. Completely possible. Not solid proof though. We don't know how long that's been there