Apple II experienced users...


Marvelous Da Vinci
Staff member
Are they still Apple II experienced users alive ?

I have an Apple II 64k with z80 interface (and CPM), 2 floppies... hardware looks fine, but the floppies are dead, and the display driver too....

I used to run UCSD Pascal to write some SW and make money to pay for my living as a student... in the early 80s.
is this a II, II+, IIe or IIgs ?
I think you can get the IIgs OS online at apple. I am not sure about DOS 3.3 though -- I am sure that if you can get teh floppies with the OS all will be ok :-)

all my experience is derived from emulators (although I did code in applesoft BASIC in high school using ProDOS :p)
Sure thing.
My Apple ][ + (euro) still works ok and so does my bread-boarded midi interface and 8 bit sampling card inside it... I turn it on sometimes when I get into a nostalgic mood (when I get drunk and also play a lot of vinyl records).
My apple 2 sits next to my other apple 2, which is next to my Amiga, and my Comadore 64. Which is next to my atari 800. Well, not sure if its an 800... its got black keys, and three slots for RAM expantion and two cartrige slots, I think. Its been a while, folks.

The atari has a 5.25" floppy, and the amiga has a normal sized floppy.

If anyone wants these, make it worth my while and you can have em.

Oh, also got an atari game console.. can't remember its model either, but i've got probably 100 games for it.
If it's an amiga 1200 maybe I would be interested :p he he he.

breadboards --- I made a lot of circuits with thos this past semester lol -- thn used assembly language + C to test them --- no phun :p (well aprt phun)
Originally posted by kilowatt

Oh, also got an atari game console.. can't remember its model either, but i've got probably 100 games for it.

Is it a Jaguar 64 ?
I used apple ]['s for many, many years at an apple dealer in the UK, then I moved to Silicon Valley.
You can pickup Apple]['s with language cards for about $20 here (working)


The place is called "Weirdstuff", it's in Sunnyvale about a mile from where I live. Cool place, lots of old Sun stuff, even a Next box.

I use Bernie to the rescue for OSX and it works fine, runs most of the apple ][ titles with no problem, even used to run a variant on my iPaq PDA.


Apple has all the old disk images on an FTP site, can't remember the name, but go to and follow the links.
well, its no jaguar... its got single-button controllers and a black&white/color switch ;-) let me check it out...
*kilowatt goes to look arround his basement

Well all I can find is a box of games... "Designed for the Atair computer video game console"

The Amiga says "Model A500" on it, and has a mouse, internal and external floppy, and I think a 2meg expantion card. I should open up a museum!
An amiga 500 -- man that brings back memories -- my best friend had a HUGE collection of games (a closet full of floppies, NO KIDDING!) -- we used to sepnd hours upon hours upon hours playing amiga games :p

Anyone remember eye of teh beholder ? nice RPG :D
Ive got an Amiga A1200HD with a 260 mb hd that i got a few years from SoftHut and i later got from them an Apollo 1230 CPU upgrade card with a 40mhz MC68030 cpu on it and i got at the same time a 16mb simm for that card. (By the way, the A1200 has its designers names on its motherboard (along with that (C)1992 Commodore-Amiga Inc. junk)
That video game console kilowatt has is probaly a 2600 although the case says "video computer system". Ive got one of those too with like 6 games. Too bad i have to hold its power switch in place WITH MY FOOT because it has a broken power switch! I got mine a year ago. My dad used to have one and he would play Space Invaders for HOURS at a time and ignore literally EVERYTHING! I guess the pause button was designed to prevent stuff like THAT from happening to people. u obviously need it if uve got timed games that u have a low amount of time left AND u got to answer the phone. (Think of that SA2 level where Rouge has to steal something befroe this place blows up)
Ive got an Amiga A1200HD with a 260 mb hd that i got a few years from SoftHut and i later got from them an Apollo 1230 CPU upgrade card with a 40mhz MC68030 cpu on it and i got at the same time a 16mb simm for that card. (By the way, the A1200 has its designers names on its motherboard (along with that (C)1992 Commodore-Amiga Inc. junk)
You'll find the designers signature inside the housing of the early Mac Plus.
last sunday i bought a second hand BEIGE Mac Plus with the Macintosh team signatures inside!

what a beauty!

i have a floppydisk with system .97 and finder 1.0, and a disc called: The Guided Tour of Macintosh!

My Apple IIe -
Somewhere out in my garage is my good old Apple IIe. I loaded it up with 1 meg of extra memory (which at the time cost an arm and a leg) a mouse, an RGB card, a printer interface card, an on card 10 MB hard drive, 128 K built in memory and the sweetest addition, a Rocket Chip. Only on the market a short time before copyright infringement lawsuits had it pulled. that puppy flew at 4 MHz. Appleworks, Word Perfect, printshop and certificate maker, also quicken and all my early financial records. I also installed an external keyboard with 10 foot cord so it wouldn't clutter my desk (of course the mouse cord was only about 3 feet long. Last thing I added was a 3.5 inch floppy drive so I could transfer files between home and the macs at school. Anyway I can't stand the idea of parting with it. My wife is hoping it will be lost in the next move. Memories.
Still have my Apple ][+. Upgraded from 48K to 64K. Super Serial Card & Micromodem ][e. Shift key mod.

Wrote programs in Applesoft Basic. Wrote my doctoral dissertation using Apple Writer ][. :D

Used the ][+ until I got a Mac LC with a ][e card. :eek: