It seems I cannot update to 1.2.6... I presume it is because I had installed mac os x on it. I have since then removed it and all the files (yes even the hidden ones) and it still wont update I don't want to try restore because I dont want to loose all my songs and etc.
Has anyone found a workaround for this? I know how to read the firmware from the ipod (along with other interesting information) but I don't think writing to it would be a good idea.
when I run the updater and click update, it unmounts my ipod and then gives me an error stating my ipod needs to be mounted. After clicking ok, the text next to the update button states I need to mount the ipod again to complete installation. Then the cycle repeats itself.
I searched the apple care database and found that the issue seems to be caused by installing mac os x on the ipod. Again I have deleted mac os x from the ipod and have also deleted all the invisible files.
Kinda glad this is the problem as I though it was caused by other stuff I have done like reading the firmware code from the ipod (very interesting stuff there... font tables, ARM code, etc. Might I also note it appears that some of the ipod firmware, or at least the operating system for the ipod were written with a pc )
Maybe an Apple Store or similar thing can help you out. Or a friend with an external harddrive. The only way, basically, is to totally reset your iPod and then upgrade to the newest firmware. But you'll have to make a backup of your songs first with an _unintended use_ software, so this might be a problem for people at an Apple Store... No friends with 10G free harddrive space?
Originally posted by fryke But you'll have to make a backup of your songs first with an _unintended use_ software, so this might be a problem for people at an Apple Store... No friends with 10G free harddrive space?
What is this "_unintended use_ software" you speak of? I am just going to take a wild swing in the dark and think you are talking about the legality of my mp3's which as surprising as it may seem are legal. :O
Well, don't have access to any friends with 10GB free soo...
As for the apple store, I have read they are not accountable for ipods with os x installed on them so I'll have to see how that goes... I am leaning towards manually loading the firmware onto the device through the same way I read it. Still have not built up enough courage to try this however. Probably a good thing