Apple is on the war path against Gateway...


Bona Fide Pater Familius
Gateway released their plasma TV a while back. This has not sit well with Apple, especially with the newly released 17" PB. However by the end f the year, Apple will be shipping this!


  • the_new_pb.jpg
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With portables that big...are they still portable? Is it a laptop if it's too big to move?
*laughs* Why use lightbulbs, when that thing'll light up a room!

Wonder what the battery life on it is? And forget about a laptop case, you'll need a portfolio case, just like artists! hehe
lol, I suppose I'm the only dork who noticed.... Although the person who created this streched the casing of the PowerBook width-wise, they did not stretch it depth-wise... so the giant screen would fold down, and stretch much farther than the keyboard rest...... God, I'm such a nerd.
So, did you do that, banjo_boy?
There are two things:
I have never seen a one foot wide CD-ROM, and how long do you think it would move the pointer across the screen with a trackpad that size?


edited for spelling
I've still got my old lazerdisk player. I'm practically the only one who get's to watch high quality StarWars Ep. 4,5,6 ^_^
The keys look too small for the "17 PB.... maybe it's just the camera angle of the picture?
Originally posted by Jason
whats the point of having one so big that there is no... case... big enough to put it in? ;)

*drools* ... still so huge :D

hey, my honey has 'only' 12" but i know how to use those inches!! :p

[and what did you think, of course i'm talking about the ibook.]
Originally posted by adambyte
lol, I suppose I'm the only dork who noticed.... Although the person who created this streched the casing of the PowerBook width-wise, they did not stretch it depth-wise... so the giant screen would fold down, and stretch much farther than the keyboard rest...... God, I'm such a nerd.

Nah man! That's not a stretched image! It's gonna be able to play LPs / albums!
:D It's part of their digital hub solution = cd burning, dvd burning, Album ripping (itunes4). hehe!

Ya never's deep enough do it....and could be a special WOZ edition!
You could fit an intergrated graphics tablet in all that extra space!