Apple just doesn't get it.


They announce the baddest computers on the planet yet price them out of most peoples reach. $1999 for entry level? Come on Steve, this isn't 1997. Have you looked at the price of PC's? You've got to stay competitive. Here's what I suggest:

iMac == $999 - $1499

1.6ghz G5 == $1499

1.8ghz G5 == $1799

2.0ghz G5 == $2499
And how did you come up with your price range? My suggestion would be a 2.0 for free for me, but it's just a suggestioon. Like everything, prices will drop. I'm sure many will sell at the announced price, though everyone would love to have one for cheaper.
Steve Jobs told Apple investors that he wanted to increase market share. This ain't gonna do it. In fact, fewer people will buy now. Apple got close to PC's a few years ago in price, but PC's dropped again. Apple can't continue to play this "superior" machine crap no matter how true it is. People won't care if the machine costs twice as much. In fact I think the 2.0ghz G5 should retail for $1999. That would really get people's attention. To tell you the truth, I don't really get this entry level, mid-level, professional level stuff anyway. If they've got a 2ghz, just sell that one. Sell it in either a 1 processor or 2 processor. Thats it.
I agree, Macs do carry a somewhat difficult to swallow (for the rest of the world) price tag, but look at the difference between the two markets. Anyone can make a PC and everyone does. If you're in the market for a new Windows-based machine then there's probably a few hundred manufacturers worldwide to choose from. Now, say, you want something that runs Mac OSX. You get a choice of.....Apple!

Until other manufacturers start building machines capable of running OSX then Apple can set prices at whatever level it feels the market can tolerate.

Why does no-one else make a Mac? Is it a legal issue (Steve J won't let them..) or a commerical issue (not worth the bother..)?
These prices are not set by Steve and Co. on a whim. This is the best price that they can give you based on what their projected sales are. There are leagues of number crunchers, market people, etc that figure out how many macs they will conceivably sell. Apple will benefit more by selling a few less macs at a much higher price, than busting their butts at a loss. market share is one thing, but so is margins and inventory. There are a bunch of G4's to be gotten rid of in the next few months.
You have to remember that even though you can get a new PC for a few hundred quid, its not going to be 3GHz Xeon. Of course I'd like to see Apple drop its prices but remember that the PowerMacs are high end, its unrealistic to expect to buy one for the same price as a 2Ghz Celeron or whatever. Haven't there been a few articles about PowerBooks being more competitive than x86 laptops recently? To get market share Apple has to sell cheap G4 machines. Even if its feasible for Apple to drop the G5 prices much, they're still going to be an attractive machine to professional markets because they kick ass and, while I don't believe everything Steve says, look to be much cheaper than an equivilantily specced x86. Enough of the 'Why can't I buy a 64bit state of the art Apple workstation for $600' rubbish.
but, the entry level 1.6 needs to fall. The G4's are going away. Maybe when Apple has no more G4's left, the 1.6ghz G5 will fall to a more reasonable $1499 or so.

I am impressed with the specs. These machines will rock.
Look for them to begin scaling up the iMac and eMac now. Dual G4 across the board on iMac and eMac? At the same (current) prices?

Who knows. This is just "Act 1".
but fo' real... if you watched the keynote, a comparative PC to these processors (performance wise) will cost you atleast $500 more, so they actually are cheaper now for the high ends atleast.

I would like to see actually some figures of production price though
Remember this is the FIRST set of G5's. I'm sure you'll be able to get a Dual 2.0Ghz G5 in 12 months time for $1,800 and if not sooner.
And lets not forget, you'll be using these babies just right up to the minute you receive your G8 in 4-5 years time! PC hardware does hardly have this lifespan. But of course, you knew this already ;)
Originally posted by uoba
And lets not forget, you'll be using these babies just right up to the minute you receive your G8 in 4-5 years time! PC hardware does hardly have this lifespan. But of course, you knew this already ;)

YEP! Now I wonder if Sonnet Tech. will lower their G4 upgrade cards?
these are INCREDIBLE machines. they beat the pants off any wintel machine, and as such, are priced accordingly. You can now get a 1.0 GHZ G4 in oz for $1999, which is roughly equivelant price point to the mysterious US$999 golden price barrier. this is huge news for us down under, and makes a tower machine extremely affordable.

My problem is this: apple has 'done it again' in terms of supply. this is almost certainly going to be a 17" supply fiascoe. they're not going to ship till August, and there is still plenty of existing G4 stock in the australian channel. who on earth would buy a G4 now? the only model we will conceivably sell is the low end $1999 1Ghz G4. Price comparison now:
$4499 for Dual 1.4G4/512/80G/SD
$4499 for Sgle 1.8G5/512/160G/SD

Seeing as (according to those french nuts MacBidoulle) a _SINGLE_ 1.4 G5 kicks the pants off a DUAL 1.4 G4, why on earth would you buy old technology? Now we will have TWO MONTHS worth of pent up demand for G5's, and then stock will trickle in just like the 17"'s did... ugh, i'm going to have to field a million calls from fed up customers who want to know when their machine is going to ship.

Classic apple - introduce a machine that is ultra-desirable and reasonably priced (yes, i think so), but dont give us actual MACHINES. it's as if they understand exactly what people want, and what their prepared to pay, but have no idea how to supply the goods!

welcome to the same era of computing.
Originally posted by Kazrog
These are HIGH END machines. Want an affordable Mac? Get an eMac.
If I were to get a PC machine (just the tower, keyboard, and a mouse) that is at least running 2 ghz, top notch memory - the cost would be equivalent to an eMac. jocknerd has a point. These G5s should be a tad affordable. If a dual 1.8ghz is 1799 - I'm sold.
you guys are forgetting that apples retain their vvalue.. Go to ebay and look up a cube. At least 700 at the final price. That computer is 5-6 years old. Find a pc that can retain its value like a mac. Im using a 1.5 year old powerbook and i have no complaints about speed. With a pc, i was upgrading every 6 months to retain that new feeling.

They may be expensive, but you are buying a quality computer.
I want to see benchmarks comparing the G4 Dual 1.42 GHz to a G5 Single 1.6 GHz, but I guess the G5 simply rocks, seeing those benchmarks that are up at right now.

So... Apple did get it, haven't they. Finally we're up to speed, I'd say. Now I want those in PowerBooks. Or at least PowerBooks that get a similar degree of speed.
Originally posted by drustar
If I were to get a PC machine (just the tower, keyboard, and a mouse) that is at least running 2 ghz, top notch memory - the cost would be equivalent to an eMac.

...and so would the performance. The new G5 PowerMacs would blow away your 2GHz Pentium.
Normally I am not confrontational, but I have to say this is the single most inane thread I have ever read.

Let me get this straight...Apple delivers on a stellar machine running a stellar OS to its PRO users, who are fully used to paying a premium and somehow this is "not getting it". You have got to be kidding me.

Of course we'd all like things to be cheaper. Sorry if the lineup doesn't fit your budget, but the fact of the matter is that it squarely fits in the budgets of its audience and delivers on virtually everything in a BIG way. These buyers will be happy (ecstatic) to pay those prices (which really aren't that bad, for crying out loud, they're less than previous models with way less ability).

Apple gets it and in a few months I'll be getting it too. It'll take me about three days in productivity to make up for the small premium in price.