Apple lauded in SI column


d. God bless Apple Computers for the three-hour battery on its iBook. There's nothing like finishing the Pittsburgh and Cincinnati stories for the SI NFL preview issue over West Virginia and New Mexico, respectively, on the way to Phoenix.

Just a little tidbit from Peter King's non-football comments in his Monday Morning Quarterback column on

It's toward the bottom.
That's great! I swear anecdotal evidence of greater Apple use seems to popping up in unexpected places more and more.
the article says "three-hour battery on its (Apple's) iBook" so it sounds to me like the battery only lasted 3 hours.

which isnt to hot:eek:
Well, it depends what I'm doing, if I'm listening to music through the speakers and playing a game, it will get pretty hot and the battery will only last for a couple of hours. However, if I set the display brightness down, turn iTunes off, and just work on code then I can usually get around three and a half to four hours. (I haven't measured, this is an estimate)

EDIT: I'm web surfing without iTunes and the screen down. I just unplugged the cord and it says 4:23 remaining on the battery. This will probably go down a little, but so there! :D
I have some generic memory so I sometimes get less than 2 hours. (Of course I am really pushing the computer too)
It's probably more the pushing part. I doubt that generic RAM would use that much power. (It doesn't really use that much as all, does it?)