Apple Lisa


I resently had the opportunity to purchase an apple lisa for a very cheap price. i was wondering if anyone could tell me a little more about it. i believe there are a couple lisa models? how much did this originally sell for? how much do they gather now? any information would be great.
$25?? I tried to buy one of those a while back and I was looking at paying like $500. You got a good deal!
Hey there,

I managed to turn a Macinstosh XL, Into a pretty good word processor with some help (years ago) from the guys at Sun Remarketing.

They had the bits to make it a Mac Plus (sort of)

It wasn't great, but I had fun doing it. Tht with an Imagewriter I was my wife's first Mac.

I have about 5 5 MB Profile hard drives. If you get the gumption, I'll be happy to send you one, but you pay the shipping.

Another good site is


WHAT? An Apple Lisa for $25?
Haha, I saw someone lately who tried to sell one for around $4000 :D
there was a post on slashdot awhile back where people in japan were paying upward of $1000 for pieces of mac history, like the lisa.