Apple Mail Welcome Screen Appeared Suddenly


We had a blackout last night - (lasted about five minutes) - and upon rebooting Apple Mail is now "Welcoming" me to set up my email accounts. They've been set up for 9 years. :)
How do I get access back to Apple Mail? There are six separate email accounts.

I don't want to go into time machine and drag into the library/prefs/ until I know I won't accidentally erase anything. And if that is the answer, do I take the latest one? Or one prior to the blackout?

Thanks for your advice in advance.

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Thanks, but I gave up. I found that when I recreated one email account, it all "came back" with placeholders, but no content. I had saved the .mbox files so I can import. I gave up trying to find a way to import/fix rules. Decided the new mail is doing a pretty good job with junk, so I simply started recreating some of the rules. Will all be fine in about a month. Not worth the extra hassle at this point. I'm onto the next job. Doing a clean install of Yosemite on the MacBookPro and then hopefully migrating the time machine from the Macbook to it. Both computers and time machines were set up thru the same apple id so I'm assuming there won't be any issues from mac "a" to mac "b" with the clean install.