Apple Multicast Dns Responder


My 3 yr old emac has been idle for some time. I powered it up today but it gets stalled in the boot process and the screen show the message "Starting Multicast DNS Responder." I can get out of it only by unplugging the computer.

Any idea how I can get past this step and boot the computer? Any alternative to exiting the process in a different way?

I am not sure which version of OS X I have or how I can find out.

Thanks for the help!
Try booting from the restore cd that came with the emac, go to the disk utility and verify+repair permissions and verify+repair the disk and try rebooting and see if that works. If not you can try and archive and install. You do that from the install option from the restore disk. Proceed with the normal install through all of the EULA crap until you get a button on the bottom of the screen that say "options" and click that. In the options panel select archive and install, and preserve user and network setting and that should get you up and running.
Thanks very much. This is a computer that has been laying idle for a few years in storage. This may sound like a real newbie question (which it is): but if that restore cd is lost, is it possible to get a replacement from Apple or someplace else?
Try booting holding the Shift key down.

Apple's multicast DNS responder/client is part of Rendezvous/ZeroConf.