sun s open firmware is very similiar to apple s. one nice thing that you can do from the firmware prompt in sun is choose your boot device very easily. you can simply type something like 'boot cdrom' 'boot net' or 'boot disk2'. those names are just aliases, so you can also specify the boot device with the hardware address pathname.
can the same thing be done with apple s open firmware? i have been unable to get it to work. i guess it s not imperative since with apple you can hold down the option key to list your choices and with sun you can t, but it sure would be convenient. has anyone done this?
can the same thing be done with apple s open firmware? i have been unable to get it to work. i guess it s not imperative since with apple you can hold down the option key to list your choices and with sun you can t, but it sure would be convenient. has anyone done this?