georgelien: I hate to resort to posting something that is almost on the level of an insult, but I'll try to be as forgiving and as nice as possible.
I have one question for you, georgelien. Why haven't you gotten your rear in gear and hauled it off to some store where you can buy a PC? You've stated numerous things that show a Windoze PC would be better off for you, and I am convinced of this fact. Furthermore, the Mac community and the boards would be better off without a troll who comes on the boards every couple of days just to sound off about how bad Mac OS X is when many people have already adopted it as their main system.
Apple has done a fantastic job of making the transition to Mac OS X and has pushed developers as fast as possible to make their applications Mac OS X native. However, some developers are dragging their heels in porting their applications, most notably Adobe in porting Photoshop (when they DEMONSTRATED a quick and dirty port of Photoshop 5.5 to OS X) and Quark in porting XPress to Mac OS X.
I don't care what your little source says about Mac OS X. It's not Apple that's at fault, it's the developers of the applications and the businesses themselves. If Quark has a massive amount of business users, and it doesn't port their software to OS X, of COURSE no business users are going to use OS X, because it's a pain in the butt to launch Classic just to use an application that you use every day. Same with Photoshop and graphics professionals. It's called "convenience".. ever heard of that, georgelien?
It's also the fault of the business users themselves.. if they don't want to spend the money on OS X just yet, that's their prerogative, and they can upgrade to OS X whenever they want. But for the average consumer, OS X works just fine and much better than OS 9, especially when most new Mac buyers will probably only use OS X because it's the default startup system now.
So, frankly, it doesn't really matter if "only" 1 million Mac users have started using OS X full-time. Also note that this WAS THE STATISTIC AT THE BEGINNING OF THE YEAR. As far as I know, we're in the 5th month of this year, yes? From polls at and through the MacWorld magazine, I'd say probably about 10% of Mac users have made the full-time switch to OS X. And Apple has tried to make it as easy as possible: Apple provided a Classic environment which runs just about everything right in OS X. Apple also provided the Carbon APIs so that developers could quickly port their applications. Apple has also started giving out free developer tools with every copy of OS X and available free for download so that anyone who wants to make a little program for themselves or to fill a gap in the OS X software list can.
You want to know what Apple is doing to lure people to OS X? I'll give you some things. Protected memory reducing crashes to zilch. TRUE multitasking allowing for a much easier workflow. A beautiful, new interface called Aqua. Nice enhancements to the GUI like the Dock and column view. A UNIX command line for power users, while keeping it hidden from those who don't want to see it. iPhoto. BUILT-IN third-party device support for burners, digital cameras, digital camcorders, etc. Jaguar, which will bring further enhancements to OS X, like Rendezvous, iChat, QuickTime 6. I think that's incentive enough.
So with that out of the way, would you mind telling us why is it that you come on here every couple of days to complain and complain and complain and troll and troll and troll about the fact that Mac OS X is sooo slow and that Mac OS X is never going to catch on and that Apple is only losing market share despite hard evidence that proves the contrary? Why are you still on the Mac platform if you hate it so much? DO YOURSELF A FAVOR. Why don't you GO ONLINE, go to, and get yourself one of those computers that you love so much. You'll be doing yourself a favor: you will no longer have to complain about the speed that everyone else here seems to be able to tolerate, and you'll be doing us a favor: ridding us of a little troll who seems to like to come around these boards and annoy us all.
If you can't leave the Mac platform, maybe then there's something about it that you can't bring yourself to admit. Could it be... *gasp*... BETTER? OMG what an idea!
But I doubt you could bring yourself to admit that. So just go on and get yourself that Dell laptop. You know you want to, and I know that everyone else here wants you to.
if ( board name
of reader)
is georgelien then
open URL
order random Dell computer
else if reader
is an administrator
display dialog "Please delete this thread."
buttons {"Sure thing!"}
display dialog "Let's not post in this thread anymore."
buttons {"OK"}
end if