Apple Pro Keyboard kicks arse!

Captain Code

Staff member
My brother spilled milk on my keyboard that came with my G4 400, so I made him buy me a new Pro Keyboard(hahaaha:D), and it's awesome!
I miss those old Apple Extended Professional Keyboards... The tactile feedback on those were amazing. Even the NeXT keyboards were great compared to the new keyboards.

But I have to admit I love the TiBook/iBook keyboards. AWESOME!
You're probably referring to the late-model "bat" mouse, an ADB mouse that followed the first (conventionally shaped) NeXT mouse in around '92 when NeXT moved to ADB for keyboards and mice. The bat mouse was basically a round mouse (shaped somewhat like the much-maligned "hockey puck" iMac mouse of a few years ago) with two triangular buttons attached in such a way that the overall effect was sort of batman-esque.

See some images here:
The keyboard that came with my iMac has been alright for me.. no problems.. and if I need to clean it I just pop the keys off :D

As for the iPuck that came with it, it was immediately replaced with a Wacom Graphire. ;)
Originally posted by phatsharpie
I miss those old Apple Extended Professional Keyboards... The tactile feedback on those were amazing. Even the NeXT keyboards were great compared to the new keyboards.

I just moved from a Power Mac 9500 with the old Extended Pro Keyboard, and I agree there's nothing quite like the feel of those old babies. But to be fair, I really have trouble finding fault with the keyboard that came with my G4. The touch is nice, positive, and I like the overall design of the keyboard, including the thought put into the slightly rounded lower edge of the bottom tier of keys... a nice touch. Still, I'd have to admit the overall feel isn't quite as good as the old one.

I do dislike the keyboard that comes with the iPod! It has a poor response and the yellow colour makes it look cheap. - Has anyone got an external keyboard with iPod? ;) - Gotcha ya :p

I do certainly miss those old Pro keyboard Mac used to make but I don't miss their size though.

Speaking of NExt, has anyone used that amazing OS? It simply rocks.
I'm not sure you can buy the hardware but of course you may dispose of the software. Steve jobs had developed a good version for Intel platform.

I must say that the set up process is a bit of a pain but once installed, you have a wonderfull Unix workstation with an outstanding GUI.

I do have the software for intel :D - And I'm thinking of installing my own little station.
