Apple releases 700Ghz Mac!


On the local news tonight at 5 they talked about a revolutionary new Macintosh that was made available yesterday. Apparently the public version of the eMac comes packed with a whopping 700 Ghz G4 processor for only $1099. Who needs a G5?

I guess the stories writer is pretty clueless about computers and more so about Macs; pretty funny to say the least.

Errr ... GigaHertz???

I guess that's a typo, unless Motorola has kidnapped the entire particle physics faculties of every university on earth and forced the gurus there into developing this device.

If that's the case, they must have done pretty well to keep it under wraps.
Holly quackers!
so many Ghz :p
My ppor old 350Mhz mac is gonna be obsolete when that baby hits the market :p
You ain't kiddin'. :p That 700 GHz chip is 3000x times faster than my 0.233 GHz iMac. That's one heck of a lot of development in four years! :p :D
Oh shit! I'm going to get one of these! Why buy a $2999 PowerMac when I can get a computer that's 350 times faster for $1099? :D :p
But wait a second, ksv. We as Mac users are fully acquainted with the megahertz myth. Therefore, we know just because something is 700 GHz doesn't mean it's 350 times faster than a dual GHz PM. ;) :D After all, that 700 GHz G4 has GOTTA be faster than Intel's 2.53 TeraHertz P4 (you know it's gotta be out there) :p :D
Two thousand pounds for two megahertz, aye? Sounds like a pretty good deal, all right. :D