Apple Scripts Menu?


Ok, here's an interesting one (at least from my perspective).

Being a relatively new user, I was browsing around my HDD, and found the /Applications/AppleScript folder. I was looking at some of the scripts in the /Applications/AppleScript/Example Scripts folder, and then found a /Applications/AppleScript/Script folder. Which, some of you probably already know (and are giggling in anticipation of my question, I'll wager) isn't really a folder. Anyway, I double clicked on it and found that it added a little AppleScript menu on my menu bar, over on the right-hand side by the clock.

So here's my question - how do you get rid of it?

As with ANY "Menu Extra," simply hold down the command key to drag it out of the menubar and.... (quite literally) POOF! it's gone.

Note: You can also Command-Drag your menu extras to put them in any order you like in your menubar.

P.S. I didn't giggle. I snickered.
