Apple sells 275000 tracks in 18 hours


The Incredible...
True or False according to this:

Apple Music Store is a great success...

"The service, which went live Monday (Bulletin, April 18), sold an estimated 275,000 tracks at 99 cents apiece in its first 18 hours, according to major-label sources. The feat is especially remarkable when considering that the offering is available only to the limited universe of users of Apple computers."

What they fail to mention is that the Apple Music Store, except from being Macs only for now, is only for USA, too! :mad:

Now, if only Apple made the store available for all other countries BEFORE the Wintel version I would be MORE than happy! :rolleyes: :cool:
That is great news. I hope it just keeps picking up. I also whould like to buy the new Madonna Album. I hope it hits the store, but knowing how Madonna has been about digital music, I just don't think it will happen. Here's to hope.

so far i'm pleased with the service, although i guess i'm kind of old school, or just like to have a physical copy of albums still.

i'll probablly buy a lot of singles off the service, but i don't think i'll be buying any full albums anytime soon.

This launching effect could go down aas fast as it grew. The kids will soon realize the wallets are empty after a few albums.
For someone like myself. CD's are nothing. I put my music on my mac, and then my iPod and I either give the CD away or loss it. Just don't need a CD. In the past five years I have bought maybe 3 CD's. And in the past few days I have bought so many songs. I have told myself that I will not spend more than $15 a week on music. That will fit into my budget.

I do think that the huge number of downloads was do (in some part) to it being new. So I it will go down, but as they get more artist and more people sign up, it might go up too.

that is impressive considering i would imagine less than 25% of Mac users even realize there is an iTunes Music Store right now.

it is unfortunate however that they didn't release iTunes for Windows at the same time as they unrolled their new music service. If Apple only accounts for 2-3% of PC users, think what the sales would have been in the first 18 hours had Windows users been onboard.

hopefully they can get the rest of the PC population onboard quickly because I would really like to see the iTunes Music Store take off.
Originally posted by binaryDigit
There is an article on (also being discussed on that states that Apple had sold 275000 tracks in the first 18hours of opening the iTunes Music Store.

So...if 3% of computer users (or whatever) are mac users....

if everyone did this.....

Geez...that would be $24.25million! Right? Or is my calculator busted? :confused:

And that would be just 1 song per user...
I think Apple follows ground rules on releases. They did this with the iPod as well... bring out a Mac only version, then later release a Windows version. This allows Apple to see if they see a increase in the sales of their Mac hardware platforms after the launch of such products.

The sad part is, by allow a 10-month Window... it allows copy-cats (microsoft?) to beat them to the Windows market with a lessor product, but none-the-less functional.

Of course, if Apple is winning the hearts of the record companies, the record companies could say... We only work with Apple, sorry. But, being money hungry, I think they will work with anyone that can create more bucks for their pockets.

I purchased 4 songs, one had an error and skip in it. So much for a perfect song. Hopefully I can get that resolved soon. I don't have deep pockets, so don't plan on downloading anymore for awhile. But, it was fun to try out.

I wish Apple all the luck in the world. Even if it doesn't increase the Mac user market, if they get cash from the deal, it can only be more cool stuff for us in the future.

Imagine the possibilities when the music store is fully available to the entire world mabey they can hit 1,000,000 sales in 18 hours or less.
Originally posted by Quicksilver
Imagine the possibilities when the music store is fully available to the entire world mabey they can hit 1,000,000 sales in 18 hours or less.

if they would have released iTunes 4 for Windows at the same times as the Music Store release, they would have easily hit 2-3 million within 18 hours.
Mindboggling. I wonder how many albums amazon sells in a day or how many music cds are sold every day in the us?
I thought...

Mac users are more willing to pay for software than PC users.

PC users have more access to pirated software than Mac users.

If both statements above are true... a Mac user is more likely to purchase music at $0.99 per song than a PC user because the Mac user has a cleaner/better conscience than a PC user and/or the Mac user does not have as much access to pirated songs.

So... maybe one shouldn't be too optimistic about how good it would have been to release iTunes Music Store for PC users at the same time as Mac users.
A third factor... how many of us don't listen to music much but feel compelled to buying a song just because buying a song is beneficial to Apple?
I'll still buy some physical albums too. There are some things where I just like to own the album and everything that goes with it. There are also the times when I want to do some editing or mixing and any MP3 or MP4 is just too low in quality for me to begin with. But this will definitely largely replace those many hours I have spent watching copies of songs I have not paid for mysteriously appearing on my computer.
And if you think about it, that's something like $179,000 that went to the record companies in an 18 hour period (since they get roughly $.65 a song). It's not a huge amount of money, but I'm sure they don't sneer at making the equivalent of 11,000 - 12,000 CD sales in less than a day.
I believe you make several good points, Dusky. I think if the Windows service had been launched at the same time we would have seen--at most--two to three times the volume of sales. However I think we would have seen a slow swell that would still be going. As dedicated Mac users we jump on a service offered by Apple, especially because we "knew" it was coming weeks and months in advance. We were early adopters. Windows users would not have the same impetus and would use it more cautiously.

However look at the way things went with the iPod. It came out for the Mac and that gave Windozers a chance to get a good look at--to get the saliva flowing. So when it did come out for Windows they made it the best selling MP3 player on the market. I think that this period of the Mac only Music Store will build anticipation and market awareness in the Windows world so that when it does debut for them they will make use of it in droves.
Originally posted by OmegaMan
So...if 3% of computer users (or whatever) are mac users....

if everyone did this.....

Geez...that would be $24.25million! Right? Or is my calculator busted? :confused:

And that would be just 1 song per user...

Actually, there is about 10-11% of pc's are macusers. The 3 % number is the number of new purchases per month, quarter, etc.

The percentage of actual mac users is higher because macusers tend to hold onto their macs longer.
I love this service. I consider myself an audiophile, so I buy CD's for the well recorded albums (particularly classical, jazz, acoustic guitar, some electronica) to listen on a hi end audio system.

For my car and for jogging, etc I'll use my ipod so I buy dance, hip hop/rap, and more "pop" songs. Since most of the albums from these genres have only one or two good songs anyway, buying one or two songs for this purpose is perfect!

Congrats to mac!
Originally posted by neoprufrok
Actually, there is about 10-11% of pc's are macusers. The 3 % number is the number of new purchases per month, quarter, etc.

The percentage of actual mac users is higher because macusers tend to hold onto their macs longer.

this is incorrect.