Apple should sell mix CD's in iTunes store!

Why not? They already sell, print, and ship pictures from the iPhoto store. I think they should burn mix CD's, and they could charge $2 or $3 extra for the CD and the service. Probably wouldnt get that many takers, but still... why not?
are you talking about in Apple stores? I had heard that this was in the works. You walk in with a blank cd or buy one there and walk out with a mix cd from the itunes store. The small bandwidth charges that the apple store would get would be nothing compared to the value of getting customers inside an apple store (PC users at that) and Apple's aready making overhead off each song purchased.

I think vending machines would be more innovative.
yes, but not only in the mac stores (and vending machienes, although i think that is a tight idea) but also sold and shipped directly from the iTunes Music Store online.
more convenient? You'll just end up importing the cd into itunes anyway. :P so why waste the time to wait for a cd to be mailed to you and then wait a little longer to get it onto your computer. eeh I wouldn't go for it.
daimacdaddy is right - people with powerful enough computers to visit the itunes store (ie g4+) would almost certainly have a cd burner... and mix cd's don't/won't have cover art (which is why some people buy the actual box cd)...

try again later... ;)

however - in store cd creation would work - stores can use existing demo equipment, and no costly rollout of specialised vending machines :) yay for getting pc users into mac stores to see what they're missing
Why do that? If you want a mixed CD, burn one yourself. Even iBooks do that and CD burners are getting cheaper and cheaper. If you want an album, buy the album. Sheesh, next people are going to whining because Apple doesn't offer iPod already loaded with the exact songs they want.
Buying from the Apple Music Store is easy. Buying a CD from a store and ripping it is a little more time-consuming, but not that difficult. And Apple will have far more to do when Windows' iTunes/AMS opens.
Apple mixing artists music up for them? hahah . copyright HELL! Don't plan on that anytime soon.

Jobs: Dr. Dre. I just need your approval. I'm making mix cd's for customers. On this one.. you are going to be placed on a cd with barry manilow, journey, yanni, and some 80's bands.

Dre: B*&CH!