Apple stays selling cubes

I think Apple should bring back the Cube! Cause it's like.. a nice little box with a G4 inside *dun-do-do-da-da(TM)*

But I think people who had them liked them, they go well with Flat Screens. Hmmm.. Maybe a low-end 900MHz G3 cube system to go along with our Flat Screen iMacs in January for a reasonable price? Well, I can dream :p
Why not change is to a pyramid ? or even a sphere floating on a magnetic flux ?

I think the future is more like the miniature PC you see in Japan: a flat screen, a keyboard, a mouse.... and that's all. All wireless of course.

The only wire that remains is the power line, but maybe someone will succeed to replace it with solar cells and a low-power PowerPC !

The other point is the media reader/writer (CD, DVD,...): it doesn't need to be on the table. If it is wireless, it can be put anywhere in the room, and it can be a complete JukeBox.
The power line could be removed via a minature Telsa Coil(:D ). I have the plans to build one in a book that i got when i was like 7. the only problem is the immense voltage used by one and the NASTY zap that could occur if someone touched the transmission thingy. this would make it so that the electricty could be transmitted via RF.
U might have seen a Telsa Coil in science class or something. Let me describe one. They sometimes look like a pyrmaid (i dunno as the only one ive seen was several years ago) with this ~4-7 in ball on top. The REALLY fun part is u can take za flourcesent tube and point it to the ball, and it will LIGHT UP. Pretty cool, huh?
The problem with inductive energy transmission is not the danger for human beings, but size, weight and distance.

You will need emission and reception coils in a very short distance, that distance being much shorter than the coil diameter... for that reason, light is a better energy transmitter than a low frequency electromagnetic field.
Thats one of the reasons the plans (there really were plans at free electricity) for Tesla's system didn't work. The idea was electricity like radio. just pull it out of thin air. Not that simple.

Another reason, of course, being the electric companies didn't like the idea of not being able to bill for it anymore... The radio analogy is appropriate here as ads pay for the "entertainment." how do you do that with electricity? Every time you plug in your toaster it says, "this power is brought to you by SuperBread, go buy some now..."?

However, I have recently heard of advances in a similar field/idea. I think it was on Discovery Science or something. Believe it had to do with large satellites transmitting the power... Help me out here.
Don't worry, if you would use inductive coupling to power your screen, you would still pay for the electricity. You would even pay more, are the link yield is quite poor.

Using higher frequencies may give access to larger distances, but the amount of energy that is transmitted is very low ! Telecom system only transmit information, often buried into noise... no row energy that you can reuse as such (unless you consider that information is energy, but that's another question).

You can see how passive tags work: distance is very low, and I can tell you the chips in the tags are extremely low power (a few 10-100uW usually). You can imagine that such an energy is not sufficient for a screen, even passive.

Therefore I suggested the solar cells. As long as I know, there are no other small energy sources available now.