Apple Studio Display 17" CRT?


... Anyone know of the max resolution of this monitor?

I have searched the Apple site for it but found nothing..

My graphics card is the GeForce4Ti 4660 and now the maximum settings I can get is 1280 x 1024 which is not enough.

Should it be that way?

I have the old Blue and White 17" CRT Studio Display with my B&W Tower, I can run 1600x1200 and 1920x1080 and that's just with the stock Rage 128 in my tower... You should be able to get those resolutions as well on your monitor.
Hey kommakazi..

No, seriously. I am stuck with the options shown in the attached dump.

Can someone who knows a bit more about monitors / gpu's help out here?

The connection of this monitor is ADC. Could that effect the resolution at all? It shouldn't since the Cinema Display can use a higher ones than this right?

I am desperate to get my 1600x1200 back like I used to have it on my old mac.


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I don't get what's the matter then, in the attached screen dump it shows 1600x1200 as an option, try clicking on it? heh...
Exactly.. I don't want to use that low Hz..

Anyone know if that is the maximum for this montor?

That really sucks.. Hate low Hz's.. Makes my eyes hurt.
Then why didn't you state that in the first place. I'm quite sure that Apple Studio Displays aren't capable of 1600x1200 at a higher refresh rate. It is not the fault of your video card but is a physical limitation of the monitor itself. I can't stand it either, so I just stick with 1280x1024 on mine.
what exactly is the real world difference btw refresh rates anyway? i mean i know how they work... but how does it effect the user/display?
The higher the refresh rate, the clearer the image appears on the screen. At lower refresh rates like 60hz your eyes can see the screen refreshing so it appears to kinda flicker. Try it, set your monitor at a resolution with a high refresh rate then turn it to a lower refresh rate. To really notive it, look at something right next to your monitor while you have it on a low refresh rate and you will see the image flickering much more in the corner of your eye. Then turn the refresh rate back up and look tot he side, and you won't see it flickering. It's noticeable...and hurts me eyes after a while.