Apple To Drop Aqua?! (WTF?!)

Was Just Reading Over @ Emaculation, that someone seems to get the impression that Apple are looking to drop aqua, in X.

Over on his site, Duckie is reporting that Apple may be "giving up" on the Aqua look for X. While this might be an extreme interpretation of the facts, if you look here, you will see that the "next major release" of X will have an interfaced called "Jaguar (pictured Below)."







Maybe You Guys may Want to Read the Numerous Replies to the Thread, here ....

I Find it Rediculous! But hey! ;)

He's just very misinformed. The OS is called Jaguar, not the interface. 10.1 is called puma and 10.0 is called cheeta; I think.
And this is an old topic -- check out the number of threads on 'Brushed Metal' that discuss this very same thing... :)
Are you retarded??!! Try actually READING Apple's Mac OS X page and then get back to us. Jaguar is a CODENAME, which it clearly says on their site, for teh version of OS X in development. Pull you head out of your ass and READ moron!
Dude, chill. If you read the first post, you'll see that NeYo was pointing out that some Windows users are thinking that "Jauguar" is the new name for the UI in 10.2. He was pointing out other's people's ignorance, he didn't say that's what he thinks is happening. NeYo has been posting at this board for a long time, I doubt he doesn't know the difference.
Originally posted by phatsharpie
Dude, chill. If you read the first post, you'll see that NeYo was pointing out that some Windows users are thinking that "Jauguar" is the new name for the UI in 10.2. He was pointing out other's people's ignorance, he didn't say that's what he thinks is happening. NeYo has been posting at this board for a long time, I doubt he doesn't know the difference.

F**k man, i dunno what your problem is, i STRONGLY Suggest you Read, before you flame in any way, i think you will find i EVEN gave my opinion in my post, as well, as what phatsharpie quoted!

..."some people" << Sigh >>

Originally posted by jaredbkt
Pull you head out of your ass and READ moron!

u know what man, i will make u Feel So Damn STUPID now, thats u're QUOTE ... and here's mine, from my Orignal Post ...

Originally posted by ~~NeYo~~
I Find it Rediculous! But hey! ;)

... Now, Does anyone Feel a Complete prat?!

NeYo said...

"I Find it Rediculous! But hey!"

Do us all a favor and LEARN TO SPELL! It's "RIDICULOUS" moron.

Prat? What the hell is a prat? Start taking english lessons, kid.
Originally posted by jaredbkt
NeYo said...

"I Find it Rediculous! But hey!"

Do us all a favor and LEARN TO SPELL! It's "RIDICULOUS" moron.

Prat? What the hell is a prat? Start taking english lessons, kid.

Hey Man, i guess if u wanna Flame, u may Freely Do so over PM's, but i know u're making yourself look completely STUPID! Ah well < Sigh >

Oh, and "Prat" May Well be An "ENGLISH" Term ... so who needs English Lessons?!



PS, i am pretty Certain, Favour is spelt, how I spelt it! (In PROPER English!)
Hey jaredbkt, Do us a favour, K?

Go take a long walk on a short pier.

If you want to fit in here, then shape up.
"PS, i am pretty Certain, Favour is spelt, how I spelt it! (In PROPER English!)"

Jesus man. You must be very young and stupid. A word isn't "SPELT"'s "SPELLED". Again, I beg of you, take some damn english lessons.
spelt v. - A past tense and a past participle of spell.

Source: The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fourth Edition
Originally posted by jaredbkt
"PS, i am pretty Certain, Favour is spelt, how I spelt it! (In PROPER English!)"

Jesus man. You must be very young and stupid. A word isn't "SPELT"'s "SPELLED". Again, I beg of you, take some damn english lessons.

As Much as i Don't Want to Reply, i have to Continue 2 make you look pathetic. Please, load up Microsoft Word, Copy and Paste my sentence in, and tell me how the spelling and Grammar Check Goes! ;)

A Hint ...

<< :confused: what an idiot!!! :confused: >>

Originally posted by dricci
spelt v. - A past tense and a past participle of spell.

Source: The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fourth Edition

LMAO! My point Exactly ... is this ManicDVLN in Disguise?

...hmmm... :confused:


n : the fleshy part of the human body that you sit on

then again, maybe these terms are more familiar to you: buttocks, arse:D , butt, backside, bum, buns, can, fundament, hindquarters, hind end, keister, posterior, rear, rear end, rump, stern, seat, tail, tail end, tooshie, tush, bottom, behind, derriere, fanny, ass:D

from: WordNet ® 1.6, © 1997 Princeton University
Originally posted by Javintosh

n : the fleshy part of the human body that you sit on

then again, maybe these terms are more familiar to you: buttocks, arse:D , butt, backside, bum, buns, can, fundament, hindquarters, hind end, keister, posterior, rear, rear end, rump, stern, seat, tail, tail end, tooshie, tush, bottom, behind, derriere, fanny, ass:D

from: WordNet ® 1.6, © 1997 Princeton University

LOL! Thanks for that, man! Well i never thought "prat" was English slang, but, just to enlighten you guys, to me, a "Prat" is an Idiot, Loser, etc!

Linking in, If anyone gets the opportunity to watch "Snatch" please Do so!!! it's Such a GREAT Film, and was Created in London, by Director, Guy Ritchie! *Madonna's Hubby* anyhow, it FEATURES Sooo Much English slang, but is Also SOOOO DAMN FUNNY!!! (and Brad Pitt plays a "pikey")

Originally posted by jaredbkt
Are you retarded??!! Try actually READING Apple's Mac OS X page and then get back to us. Jaguar is a CODENAME, which it clearly says on their site, for teh version of OS X in development. Pull you head out of your ass and READ moron!

I've gone over this thread three times, and I still have no idea where you are coming from with this post (and the other colorful posts that followed). If you are having a bad day don't take it out on NeYo.
You should really know by now that to base a flame/argument on the way someone types/spells in their posts is pretty immature.

Also, ~~NeYo~~ and I are both from England, where our mother tongue has slight variations to yours (I am presuming you are not from the UK, otherwise you would've known what a prat is?)

Finally, wouldn't a Jaguar UI consist of brushed black hair rather than brushed steel?:rolleyes:
Haha, uoba thinks he's funny. :D
With all this brushed metal in Cocoa, I wonder if Apple is making an API to do all this with, because if they are, we'll be seeing tons of brushed metal apps from other people.