Apple toys with media


It's so funny when a reporter thinks he has Apple by the balls and talks if he were to run the company, blah, blah. For example after the itunes launch where even God himself was attending everyone was saying, well Apple isn't gonna make it cause they don't have indy labels. Apple has no problems getting the indy's, it was their plan from the start. Even if they got the ridiculous agreement they still would have waited. Now, they can wait a week or two and then another press release, another news story and more attention. Apple has been playing this game for years. Everyone loves their head games.
lorem ipsum dolor sit amet I really enjoy run on sentences that don't make any sense whatsoever, have a nice day, comma splice.
Damn, mi5moav, I want some of whatever you're smoking! I had to re-read that post three times before any sense could be made of it!
What the heck are you guys talking about... unless, the mods have edited the text.

Please, disect word by word sentence by sentence. Can't smoke, against tribal law.
My head hurts now...anyone feel like translating that at all?

I think I finally understand what he was trying to say, after the 5th try. Not surprising though, since media companies are just trying to get people to read their article. Any kind of controversy is a big seller after all. The more feedback (neg or pos) they get, the better they've succeeded. Just lets them know how many people are actually reading their stuff and is a selling point for them to potential advertisers.
I understood and I agree. Everyine and their dog is pointing the finger at Apple going: Ha hAA! No indies! You will fail! When Apple in a week or two will have some indies on board they will re;ease a new press release, everyone will sit up and pay attention and applud and laud Apple for doing the right thing. I can see that a good marketing department like Apple's will have planned this from the start. Propose outrageous deal to indies, see if you can rip some of them off. Then sweeten the deal progressively as if you were giving in to public opinion and the press. Good publicity ensues, profits are up, shares soar.
Yup...if their stock in the past month is any indication of a dying company, then I wish the ones I'm invested in would start to die.