Why? http://docs.info.apple.com/article.html?artnum=58174
Lt Major Burns "Dicky" Charlteston-Burns Mar 7, 2006 #1 Why? http://docs.info.apple.com/article.html?artnum=58174
ElDiabloConCaca U.S.D.A. Prime Mar 7, 2006 #3 English here, too. This, in addition to other threads, makes it sound like you've got something funky with your system...
English here, too. This, in addition to other threads, makes it sound like you've got something funky with your system...
Lt Major Burns "Dicky" Charlteston-Burns Mar 8, 2006 #4 got it. id found myself on the japanese apple website (no idea why) and it obviously saved the cookie. i've now gone into the uk support site properly, and it's now back to normal.
got it. id found myself on the japanese apple website (no idea why) and it obviously saved the cookie. i've now gone into the uk support site properly, and it's now back to normal.
Mikuro Crotchety UI Nitpicker Mar 8, 2006 #5 Yeah, it would have to save that, since the support section is worldwide. Note the lack of the "/uk/" in the URL.
Yeah, it would have to save that, since the support section is worldwide. Note the lack of the "/uk/" in the URL.