would you care to elaborate? i cant write more than a few lines at a time because my connection stalls, otherwise i would have been a bit more polite etc. now im at work so i can write a fair bit. so, how do you do it?
gee, i haven't done it in so long i'm not sure i remember all the steps. but somewhere in the site building stuff are the directions. What it won't do when you do this is automatically create links across top of doc to your itools built pages. if you want to connect to any of those you will have to write the link for at least one of them and be aware that there will be no link back - browser button will be the only way for anyone to return to your uploaded pages. on the other hand you can easily put 2 sites up without much problem. i believe there is even a way for you to have your uploaded page as the index by naming it that. not sure right now. to do the actual uploading, you can use any ftp client and load to your url. you may even be able to copy to idisk but i don't remember doing it this way. does this help? again detailed directions are in the itoools site building info if i recall correctly. and itools has been updated so many times now, i may be giving you false info at this point.
I'm sorry but i haven't touched the stuff i uploaded there in months. it was more of an experimental phase for me in learning how to build a web page. but then i haven't updated my real site in over a month either so.....
1) Mount your iDisk
2) Put your website in 'Sites'
3) Scratch an area of need or preference
These are the kinds of things that makes me love Apple
Most tasks are so elgantly simple without being overly inhibiting (well, except maybe for some customization aspects of MacOSX- but that's their priority).