Apple: Webbriddle on

My too scents:

Somebody is trying to generate exactly this kind of buzz. Maybe shooting for a link on memepool? Laughing their @$$ off at the folks frantically clicking links trying to figure out what's going on? Or maybe it's part of some personal hoax that the public wasn't meant to stumble onto, but I doubt that. I wouldn't sweat it. If there is an "answer" you won't figure it out unless the hoaxers want you to.

Thanks for your comments. I was rather shocked by the response I got to be honest (!) as I indeed had no intention at all to offend or advocate any material/sites of any kind. As you allude to, I mentioned the site only because I found this mixture to be equally bizarre.

In both cases, I wondered whether the site designer was having some fun with everyone, was keeping personal links for some reason, or whether they had actually had a security breach of some sort. I expect a "hack" is least likely, though possible, and I think Pawn Trader is probably right when he says we are unlikely to work out the motivations behind the link!
to be clear here - it's not a matter of endorsing or promoting. We are not all adults here and any link to pornographic links or material is just plain inappropriate. I had to clear 3 pop up ads that contained nudity and sexual acts after checking that link. I never thought anyone had any maliscious intentions here, but a couple of you surely weren't thinking things thru very far. :(

bbloke - I would have been glad to have discussed this in a more private manner if you had your pm function available. I would suggest you take the time to enable it . it's not like people are going to start flooding it. It allows for private, discrete discussion of things like this without any public embarrassment.

david - your statement was not misrepresented. I left the part that seemed to apply to the original link or even both. i deleted the rest. since the original link had been deleted, it seemed irrelevant to continue commenting on it. if you would like to go back and reinsert an additional statement that doesn't repeat the link, then fine. but it is not my job to rewrite your inappropriate posts for you.
but it is not my job to rewrite your inappropriate posts for you.

Somehow I don't think replacing a URL with a placeholder constitutes rewriting...

And I fail to see how the post itself was inappropriate when the web site had already become a topic of discussion. Now if I posted the link again, that might be a different story, since we're now all in agreement that the site is smut.

Anyway, in my (somewhat futile) attempts to keep things on topic, I mirrored that site just for fun, but didn't find any interesting files that were referenced in the HTML. I'm going to try some of those weird domains and see what turns up. I tried putting :k: into a few search engines, but they all "intelligently" filter out the colons. They seem to think I want all the pages in the database that contain the letter K. :-P Any recommendations for a verbose search engine?

OK, I'm glad you accept the fact that I was not "endorsing or promoting" the links and that you acknowledge I did not have any malicious intentions. With regards to those pop-ups, I definitely did not encounter these! I was using IE 6 on Windows XP in the office when I first noticed the links but I saw no images, pop-ups, or any such material, only very grayed out links (which I did not follow up). This must contribute quite strongly to our difference in opinions, as I certainly would not have posted if I had seen such things!

I suppose I also felt I was contributing to the commentary on the presence of spurious links alone (which were on Mac related sites), and I did not link directly to any pornographic material nor advocate viewing any. Admittedly there was a link-to-a-link, but, honestly without meaning to sound facetious, I begin to wonder where to draw the line. With hindsight, editing out the URL seems OK to me, (especially if those ads were coming up) but giving me a warning seemed a bit harsh as it was all completely innocent; I would have thought something as serious as a warning would be reserved for those who acted with bad intent. As an additional note, the recent thread "" advertises a personal site and I have absolutely no problems at all with this... but it seems to be against the board rules you asked me to check, and yet you personally replied to that post in a very positive manner, rather than giving the originator a warning too. This doesn't seem to be equal treatment.

Finally, I have enabled the PM option as you suggested - I originally switched it off when I first created my account as I misunderstood this to be a system like Microsoft's Messenger. I don't want this thread to digress from the original topic, so I'd like to switch this discussion to PM/E-Mail if that is OK with you. Sorry for the digression everyone.
I didn't see the popups either. But I seldom do with OmniWeb. ;-)

There's a link at the bottom of that points to an image with reversed text. ( It mentions something about constructing a domain name from an anniversary. I'm getting nowhere with my guesses. Anybody else find anything?
Well this is very interesting!
Just have a look at some of this text. Oh, and if I disappear off the face of the earth in the next few days, it's probably because I've been wiped out by an ex-KGB agent, or something. ;-)

This is friggin' weird...
At the risk of posting an annoying number of consecutive messages...

Take a look at this site:

It seems to give a basic description of these weird web sites. Of course, that still doesn't explain why the link showed up on Apple's page...
Originally posted by davidbrit2
Take a look at this site:

It seems to give a basic description of these weird web sites. Of course, that still doesn't explain why the link showed up on Apple's page...

Yay! Looks like you solved it.

I guess the answer is "BMW is working with some filmmakers to do some astro-turfing in an unorthodox manner." When you look at it in that context, Apple's connection to it doesn't seem too surprising (at least to me).

And we've played right into their hands. Might as well just submit it to slashdot and memepool and send them a bill for our time.
The original site for BMW film is att:
came out a guess a year or more ago.. short films made by wellknown directors like Ang Lee, Guy Ritchie, John Frankenheimer...

the films are called 'for hire' they are about a driver for hire, you get the picture.

Well i don't have time to watch them now but maby that wierd msg on the site davidbrit2 found is in one of the films, the dialog?
Just a thought...

LOL! Starting on page 1 of this post I was thinking "" but good thing I read the next two pages too. Kudos.

What is there to get? I dunno, BMW was trying to suck us in when they had their short films. The little 30sec clips included in the "real" films had some plot about a guy being shot and a car and some phone numbers flashed on the screen here and there on scraps of paper. I never called because I figured it was a "Press 1 if you would like BMW literature..." message. Guess they were more in-depth after all.

(And can we stop talking about porno? This BMW conspiracy thing is much more interesting!)

Anyone else think of when the saw the ads for the new movie The Transporter?

Hmm. I think I might still have all of the quicktime movies including the 30sec clips...

rharder, I saw 'the transporter' trailer on the quicktime site a few days ago and you're right it got me thinking off the bmw film... a longer version I guess...:rolleyes: :D
This is all vaguely reminiscent of that Sandra Bullock movie, in which she receives a disk from a friend, with a program she's to check out, and at the bottom of the screen is a tiny symbol. She clicks on it, and all h... breaks loose! (Nothing but Macs in the movie.)
Oh yeah, what was that called, The Net? It wasn't terribly realistic as I recall. Dennis Miller was in that, wasn't he?