Apple Website A Poor Online Experience?

They have made some changes. For instance, in the Developer pages they're using proper doctypes and rely on some divs and something close to proper semantics. Still relying on tables there for layout too much.
I like this site:
Everything is in its right place even if the search function in support is not that helpful. Still I have no idea what this "microsoft" is. I'll do some research and report back in a bit. BTW, does anyone know if I can install Mac OS X on my IBM PC?
Alright I am back! It turns out Microsoft is a software company that sells an operating system called Windows. Initially they had decided on "Doors" but it wasn't buzzworthy. So now they have an entire franchise of OS for PC's just like mine! Plus everytime I refer someone to their MSN internet service I receive cracker jacks and a neat prize! Oh joy! Another site that is quite organized is this one:
Of course, that could be because you have to search to see their disorganization..ho ho ho!
No, they didn't trademark Doors because it would have been difficult to trademark without purchasing the estate of Jim Morrison. "Windows", however, was only a commonly-used term to describe an interface type already in use by several other competing products, including ones by Apple and Xerox, so it was granted a trademark by the USPTO immediately. This allowed them to later successfully sue for infringement.
There is a slight difference. Jim Morrison was part of "The Doors" although it is alphabetized under the D section in music stores. The word "Doors" would not be a legal issue.
Interesting story about Windows. Thanks for acting serious, grrr :p
The store area of their site has been updated. Flows nice.

Still lacks in the compliance department, but they're definitely making inroads on it. Saw a few areas where they've totally removed tables for layout and now are using DIVs & CSS.