Apple will charge us for 10.2.


Member that enjoys Meece
I remember hearing something Steve Jobs said that I believe was at Macworld New York, that Apple will offer OS X upgrades for about a year, before we had to buy the next version. Does anyone else remember reading or hearing this? On another note, if 10.2 is going to be as impressive as im thinking, I will happily pay for it.
that OS X 10.2 gets renamed OS X 10.5 by the same marketing group that decided OS 7.6 should get renamed OS 8.0, OS X Public Beta 2 renamed to OS X 10.0, etc. By making it a .5 release, they can probably get away with a minimal ($49) upgrade fee. From what I've seen of the feature set, I doubt they could charge much more than that. They'll probably run in to lots of whining either way.

Personally, if OS X 10.2 doesn't have USB Printer Sharing, Labels, Spring Loaded Folders, and Appearance features ala OS 9, I'll be quite disappointed if they decide to charge for it. From what we've seen of 10.2 so far, it looks like Spring Loaded Folders are back, but I haven't heard anything on the other features. Plus with the amount of time they are taking on it, it should be chock full of new features....
Apple needs to come out with an improved, working 10.x system that works like OS 9 (but better). They are getting close. But, they shouldn't make us pay to upgrade for a stable and functional system. Once they reach that, then take a step forward with a pay for release with add features, and not for system stability or preformance.

I'll get it for free anyway. My brother is a millionaire and loves to buy me junk. :)

I don't recall anything that took place at Macworld. I camped out the entire day before and all night, got no sleep, went into Macworld and slept through the entire thing. Boy did I learn a lesson that day! :(
Hi, I'm a Mac newbie. I've heard everyone and his mother talk about SpringLoadedFolders, but don't know what they are. What are they?
Boot up into Mac OS 9 (don't open Classic, you need to boot up natively into OS 9, without all of the protected memory and Aqua theme).

Then, open your hard drive and find a folder that contains a folder and a file (or another folder). Drag one of your files over a folder and hold it there for a while. After a while, you'll notice that the folder will open, and you can then drag the file over another folder and hold it there, and that will open too. This facilitates easy navigation and drag and dropping, and is a VERY useful feature. Note that you can also press space to make the folder pop open immediately.

This is one very missed feature in OS X, and supposedly OS X 10.2 will have this feature! :)
I really don't understand why everyone bitches about paying for upgrades. I mean, you want your favorite company to survive, don't you? If 10.2 is as big an upgrade as 10.1, I would gladly pay at least 20 bucks for it.

And just be glad Apple updates their operating systems at all. Microsoft puts out service packs once a year, and only fixes bugs when the public knows about them. Microsoft knows of tons of bugs in their OS's, but they don't fix anything until someone complains about it.
Favorite company????? What's that???? I have no favorite companies!!
Apple should let us download these small updates of Mac OS X at no charge, in the same way Microsoft gave out Windows 98 second edition, wich featured a lot of big changes at no cost.
I think the changes between OS X and OS 10.1 weren't so important to pay for them. 10.1 is a working OS; OS X was a sort of preview. 10.1 also should be free for whom people who bought OS X.
I would like to point out that Windows 98 SE was not offered as a free upgrade. Microsoft made some of the bug fixes available via Windows Update but you could not obtain the full upgrade which offered things like Internet connection Sharing etc.

chango- 10.1 was offered as a free upgrade, at least here in the U.S. Got mine at Comp-USA. Didn't even need to show proof of purchase. Just walked in, got my CD and left.

I hope they don't charge for 10.2, but will pay if I must. I damn sure ain't paying $120 again!
Well, perhaps I'm wrong about what cybergoober says. Apple Argentina only charged for the shipping and packaging (don't know how much). I didn't really paid for OS X because I got a press copy to test it at work. At the time OS 10.1 came out, they asked me for the bill of my OS X. As I haven't really bought it, I borrowed it from a friend :rolleyes:
About the Reply of philquinney, i really got Windows 98 Second Edition for free. I got it from a CD wich came with a magazine. The Second Edition CD also came in several magazines....
I got my 98SE CD free as well. From work. I offered the boss $20 for it but said "Ah.. take it." So I did. I took it home. Installed it and promptly lost my CD Drive. So that Free CD ended up with me totally recovering the HD and reinstalling 98. Thanks Microsoft!
I want to see what Darwin version 10.2 will claim to be.
(try 'uname -sr' to check )

OS X 10.0 - 10.0.4 was Darwin 1.3
OS X 10.1 was Darwin 1.4
OS X 10.1.1 was Darwin 5.1 (typo, anyone?)
OS X 10.1.2 was Darwin 5.2 (typo? zere are no typos at Apple! Who told you zis? Ve haf vays of makink you talk.)
Ummm, I don't remember who said it, but something about OS 7.6 being renamed 8.0. What are you talking about? There was/is a 7.6 and 7.6.1, check with apple if you need to. I don't doubt that 10.2 will be 10.5 as they did with 8.0.1 update was changed to 8.1 because of all the fixes and enhancements they made in it. As for OS X updates being free for a year, it is at least partly true. If you have (or do) bought a new Mac that came with X you will receive free upgrades for a year, I got 10.1 upgrade for free from my Apple dealer. It's what Apple calls there "Up-to-Date" program. This may be true for those who bought OS X.0, I don't know for sure. But Apple has always in the past offered a rebate to those who purchased he newest OS when the newer one came out. I bought OS 9.0 and would have received $30 if I bought 10.0, but I just bought a new Mac instead. I wonder, since I did buy a licence for OS X if I'm eligible for the rebate? Hmmm.. Now I ponder.
Originally posted by scruffy
I want to see what Darwin version 10.2 will claim to be.
(try 'uname -sr' to check )

OS X 10.0 - 10.0.4 was Darwin 1.3
OS X 10.1 was Darwin 1.4
OS X 10.1.1 was Darwin 5.1 (typo, anyone?)
OS X 10.1.2 was Darwin 5.2 (typo? zere are no typos at Apple! Who told you zis? Ve haf vays of makink you talk.)

From now on that number should be consistent. From what I've read, Apple changed their numbering scheme with 10.1.1 to reflect their internal numbering scheme (and hence annoyed a few developers in the process), meaning it shouldn't change anymore. Plus, with each update they change the version number of the kernal, even if they did nothing, so the next one will be at least 5.3.
Originally posted by serpicolugnut
that OS X 10.2 gets renamed OS X 10.5 by the same marketing group that decided OS 7.6 should get renamed OS 8.0

Actually, Gil Amelio renamed System 7.7 to MacOS 8 in order to get out of the unprofitable licensing agreements Mike Spindler had concluded with the clone makers. Amelio then negotiated profitable deals for the "new" OS. shortly thereafter, the board canned him and Jobs reneged on the contracts.