Apple's last WORD

First of all, lets just say that IE is better on Windows than Mac, ok?
-Well, it MUST be better because it is version 6.xx on Windows while on the Mac is stucked at 5.xx
-It MUST be better because supposedly is a part of Windows OS whereareas on the Mac is just another app
-It MUST be better because the team who works in the Windows version is HUGE while, and this is the best part, the whole Mac team responsible for all Microsoft products on the Mac is just 150 people

But then again on the Mac we don't get all those security holes, viruses, etc. as well as we don't get THAT many crashes while using IE ;)

I don't know about you but last time I checked, security and stability as well as performance is the best next thing and NOT just features... So, you see, maybe just maybe, IE for OS X is a better version of IE for Windows ;) Oh, and here is the best part of IE for OS X which I do not trade with any feature of the IE6 of Windows: I can Trash the IE for X if I don't want it... Can you do this in Windows? :D

As for Safari, while great it is just a beta of the unreleased version 1... Can one imagine when the app will go up to version 6 what's going to be like? I for one can't. However, I bet that M$ would like to have what currently Safari has even with version 5.xx of IE for Windows :D

As for Apple offering their software for Windows: While I think that it would be cool, I think that is not even possible without compromising the quality of their software... Example: Even on Mac where Apple has 90% control of the hardware they try hard to make software so stable and awesome in general. That's why we see from time to time updates which make an already ok app, a better one... I hate to admit it but the only way for Apple to produce the same quality software on the Dark Side is the way of giving them first the OS X and then everything else :(

Also, note that they currently offer the iPod and QuickTime which basically are the same as the Mac versions but the Dark Side seems not to bother THAT much with them... And you know why? Simply because they aren't coming from M$ with their Windows + they cannot understand the difference between quality and el cheapo stuff out there...

Last, I hope that Apple will offer us not just an Office alternative in features but also a better suite in stability, compatibility, performance, integration with the ability to scale upwards (small, medium, medium to large, large networks) because right now this a BIG hole in Apple's switch thing + games... But this is a story for some other time ;)

Originally posted by AdmiralAK
Nice news :)
Now all we need is an Excel type of application ;)
My university/job still is M$ dominatrixed so I would still use Office at work, but I would probably use the Apple suite at home if it were good enough. My boss got KeyNote which he used and he said it wasn't as fully featured as Powerpoint as he thought (he is a machead although the university is forcing his hand on the PC fire) and he expected it to overcome powerpoint. I hope both apps (Document and KeyNote excel past M$ word).

There is one question in my mind though.
If KeyNote and Document become better than word, and somehow users prefer that over the expensive office suite, wouldn't M$ just close off (even more) their format/doc types and kill off the ability to import & export docs to and from M$ office apps ?! Then apple would be kinda dead in the water unless they hire some of those wonderful reverse engineers from dataviz that made the transltion engines back in the days of OS 7-9 ?????


Excel started it life on... McIntosh ! Yes in 1984 if I remember correctly, being a better "Multiplan". And it helped selling lots of Mac Plus.

Then it moved to Windows...

Beating IE has been done several times, beating PowerPoint is probably no problem, beating Word is probably possible, beating Excel will be a real challenge that nobody succeeded until now.
Hotmail stinks. Period. Ugh. At least free Hotmail does. Well, come to think of it, a friend had MSN with Hotmail. It stank too.

Just my humble opinion.
Honestly. To complain because a MICROSOFT site doesn't load all the sh!t that they have added to IE's rendering engine. Sure, it looks pretty in IE. And hey, who gives a toot about standards. It's not like they're here to help us or anything is it?
As for the ipod for windows. As far as I know, it was the same thing with a different program in place of iTunes.

Originally posted by dktrickey
Hotmail stinks. Period. Ugh. At least free Hotmail does. Well, come to think of it, a friend had MSN with Hotmail. It stank too.

Just my humble opinion.
And one I totally agree with....ever since M$ bought Hotmail, Hotmail has sucked. You know, before that Hotmail was served on UNIX servers....
Also, I did NOT appreciate being forced to have a passport account just because I happened to sign up for a good free webmail service before it was owned by M$. I am not a M$ user, and I never will be. I want no part of .NET at all.