AppleScript to find songs with no album art?


OS X Friendly
Is there a script out there that will list all my songs that do not have any album art attached to it? Something similiar to how iTunes shows you duplicate songs.
Something like this should do work. Select the tracks you want to search, and the script will return those in the selection with no album art. It will need to modified to do anything useful with these tracks.

tell application "iTunes"
	set found_tracks to {}
	set track_list to the selection
	repeat with i from 1 to the count of track_list
		if the (count of every artwork of item i of track_list) is 0 then
			set found_tracks to found_tracks & {item i of track_list}
		end if
	end repeat
	return found_tracks
end tell
Another option is to download the itunes widget which captures the album art of the current track and gives you the option to set that album art either to one track or all tracks from that album.