AppleScript update 1.8.3 Today


I did a software update this afternoon and noticed an AppleScript update 1.8.3. Is this the 10.1.6 that was anticipated? I don't exactly understand what its purpose is.

BTW, this is my 100th post. Cheers!!!!
Naaaaa, this isn't 10.1.6 but a update to a bunch of canned AppleScript. Before you run off and install it, read some of the comments on VersionTracker. The installer has crashed alot of the machines. A buggy piece of software, not up to Apple's high standards. It made my System image unbootable after I tried to install it. Only CarbonCopy Cloner saved my sweet butt!!
Well, thank God i haven't had any problems with it....knock on wood. I had already downloaded it when I got your reply, but hadn't restarted my computer. I didn't see it on version tracker today or yesterday so I didn't think they had posted it yet. I was freaking out when I saw the posts on version tracker or your post.

Well I hope nothing goes wrong. Thanks again for replying.