appleshare guest access on by default.


How can I disable guest access all together on my system? I know removing the rw access to the public folder tightens, but the idea of guest login alone makes me uncomfortable.

this pertains to the guest access "public dropbox" enabled by default over afpovertcp.

paranoid and alone
Ok so I looked into it a bit more.

In netinfo config/AppleFileServer change the guest_access value from 1 to 0 and restart appleshare.

Still don't know why this was left on by default.

paranoid and alone.
I'm curious: those who have access to Mac OS X Server, what is the AppleFileServer defaults? Here is the default configuration on the non-server version (which is very permissive, in my estimation. I can't believe the Server version would be this lax!):
gator% niutil -read . /config/AppleFileServer
name: AppleFileServer
auto_restart: 1
guest_access: 1
reg_AppleTalk: 1
use_appletalk: 0
idle_disconnect_OnOff: 0
idle_disconnect_time: 10
idle_disconnect_flag: GuestUsrDisconnect_ON ,RegtdUsrDisconnect_ON ,AdminUsrDisconnect_ON ,OpenFileDisconnect_ON
tickle_time: 30
tickle_time_out: 120
client_sleep_OnOff: 1
send_greeting_once: 0
logging_attributes: Login_ON,Logout_ON,CreateDir_ON,CreateFile_ON,OpenForkk_ON,Delete_ON
register_NSL: 1
login_greeting_time: 0
use_home_dirs: 0
allow_root_login: 0
reconnect_flag: all
reconnect_ttl_in_min: 1440
autostart: 0
activity_log: 0
activity_log_size: 1000
activity_log_time: 7
activity_log_path: /Library/Logs/AppleFileService/AppleFileServiceAccess.log
error_log_path: /Library/Logs/AppleFileService/AppleFileServiceError.log
error_log_size: 1000
error_log_time: 0
max_threads: 40
permissions_model: classic_permissions
special_admin_privs: 0
admin_gets_sp: 0
ssh_tunnel: 0
afp_tcp_port: 548
tcp_quantum: 262144
client_sleep_time: 24
server_stopped_time: 1038366892
cabbage--you're on OS X Server, right? Can you do an niutil -read . /config/AppleFileServer or tell us what the OS X Server defaults are?