Appleworks can't save as word .doc


I have appleworks 6.29 and recently started having trouble saving a file as a word .doc file. The file will save in every other format except word .doc 95, 97 or 2000. When attempting to save , the file "unexpectedly crashes". The first sign of trouble was an error code that said -48. I've tried copying the contents into a new file, but no luck. Tried renaming, still no.
Any suggestion? :confused:
If that is an actual system error -48, then there's a problem with the file's name (a folder with the same name exists) but if you've already tried renaming, then try this:
Quit Appleworks, then go to your Documents folder, open the folder named 'Appleworks User Data', then open the 'Starting Points' folder, and drag the Recent Items folder to the trash, and empty the trash.
I have helped several Appleworks users recently, and removing this folder has fixed some strange issues with AW.
Reopen AppleWorks and try your file. You could also do a copy and paste into TextEdit, save the doc there, then copy and paste from THAT document back into a new AW doc. If this does not help, you may want to consider retyping the document, as there may be some corrupted formatting in the doc (I have only seen this in MS Word docs, but you never know)

I hope this helps you!
Thanks so much for your help! I deleted the recent items folder, but that did not work. So I copied into Text edit, saved , and created new doc in appleworks, then saved as a .doc BINGO! I'll make a note in case it happens again. Bless you!