Application for organizing PDF's?


Hi all, I am looking for an app that will allow me to do to PDF's what iTunes does to MP3's. Create a library where I can store PDF title, publisher, author, etc. etc. So far I can't find any.

thanks in advance!
Depending on your needs you may want to give the following a try:
Devon Think Office
I thought those infos were already part of PDFs' metadata. Isn't the Finder/Spotlight already a good combo for such an endeavour?
Thank you for the replies. More than being able to look for the specific file (I can do that with Spotlight) I want something that will rename and organize the files consistently. I tried Papers, and even though I set it to copy files to library folder, it won't do it. Plus it is 29 euros.
For renaming them File Buddy is great, but it won’t help you with your other needs.
Bookends can organize them. I have a small collection of PDF files and in Bookends you can see the Author, Title, Year, Abstract, and the file (as an attachment). I haven’t used it in a while, though, and you have to do a lot of the input work manually.
For organizing files some people just drag them into DevonThink. I prefere to set up a structure and then import the structure into DevonThink. That is, I do a lot of the organizing by hand.