Application quits erraticly


Raving Mad Mac Evangelist
A friend of mine has a problem I can't figure out. His terminal would launch, but only produced windows with "Process completed". Fixed that by making him force-use the tcsh shell in prefs. Now he's trying to use the combo-update to update from 10.1.2 to 10.1.5, but the installer quits immidiately, filling the console with this:

Date/Time: 2002-07-18 15:56:14 +0200
OS Version: 10.1.2 (Build 5P63)

Command: Installer
PID: 362

Exception: EXC_BAD_ACCESS (0x0001)
Codes: KERN_PROTECTION_FAILURE (0x0002) at 0x00000027

Thread 0:
#0 0x706bab64 in objc_msgSend
#1 0x72069c60 in -[NSPackageController isAuthorized]
#2 0x024b45a0 in -[Authorization activate]
#3 0x0000712c in -[PageController(Private) _loadPage:]
#4 0x00006fdc in -[PageController(Private) _loadSection:]
#5 0x00006e70 in -[PageController(Private) _goToSection:]
#6 0x00005874 in -[PageController showStartPage]
#7 0x00005f0c in -[PageController openPackageWithPath:]
#8 0x0000428c in -[InstallerController application:eek:penFile:]
#9 0x70c57594 in -[NSApplication _doOpenFile:eek:k:tryTemp:]
#10 0x70df506c in _tryToOpenOrPrint
#11 0x70c9135c in _requiredAEEventHandler
#12 0x735fce08 in TryEventTable
#13 0x735f2d8c in AEMDispatcher
#14 0x735f3f4c in aeResumeTheCurrentEvent
#15 0x735fcb44 in aeReallyProcessAppleEvent
#16 0x735f6f48 in aeProcessAppleEvent
#17 0x70bd721c in _DPSNextEvent
#18 0x70bfe5d8 in -[NSApplication nextEventMatchingMask:untilDate:inMode:dequeue:]
#19 0x70c23468 in -[NSApplication run]
#20 0x70c91ed0 in NSApplicationMain
#21 0x0000a7ec in main
#22 0x00003c68 in _start
#23 0x00003a98 in start

Thread 1:
#0 0x70000978 in mach_msg_overwrite_trap
#1 0x70005a04 in mach_msg
#2 0x70026a2c in _pthread_become_available
#3 0x70026724 in pthread_exit
#4 0x70020550 in _pthread_body
it seems like a kernal panic (maybe) but i am to tired to think of anything other then say "ask apple" sorry i need sleep
Its not a kernel panic when it's the <B>console</B> that displays the error. I also stated that the <B>application</B> quits, not the entire system... :rolleyes:

Very helpful, thank you very much

Please only reply if j00 have a cl00...
