apps list

Mac Osxtopus

Post here to list good apps( free or otherwise) that i should check out (besides office x) since I'm probably going to buy some....SOON! (edited)
Well Chibi15,
  • Captain FTP D&D (free for personal use)
  • DAVE 3.1.1 (filesharing over Windows, a little rickity though)
  • BrickHouse (firewall configuration, if you don't have a hardware NAT like I do)
  • Corel Bryce 5
  • Adobe Photoshop/ImageReady 7
  • Adobe GoLive 6
  • Unreal Tournament (:p)
  • The Sims (kinda slow but can be interesting)

There's my short list, there are a bunch of others out there like Project Builder and Cocoa Browser if you're a developer. Right now I'm trying to figure out how to use PB with a book.
It seems that my message apperead aggresive or so - it wasn't!

It was a just tip because i thought "Mac Osxtopus" may be an mac-newbie and doesn't know about this sites.

I am no native english speaker - so i am sorry if i sounded aggressive or so!
you didnt sound agressive to me at all, and i doubt anyone else thought that way either. I'm not a mac newbie, but thanks for listing and for me.
Here are some of the apps I use and what operating systems they are available for (that I know of).

Word processors (in order of what I use most):

  • TextEdit (Mac OS X and Rhapsody)
    SimpleText (Mac OS 9)
    AppleWorks (Mac OS 9 and Mac OS X)
    Okito Composer (Mac OS X)
HTML design and editing:

  • PageMill (Mac OS 9)
    HTMLEditor (Rhapsody)
    BBEdit (Mac OS 9 and Mac OS X)
    Freeway (Mac OS 9)
    GoLive (Mac OS 9 and Mac OS X)
Internet Apps:

  • OmniWeb (Mac OS X and Rhapsody)
    Watson (Mac OS X)
    Netscape (Mac OS 9 and Mac OS X)
    Internet Explorer (Mac OS 9 and Mac OS X)
    WebGrabber (Mac OS X)
    Mail (Mac OS X)
    Outlook Express (Mac OS 9)
    MailViewer (Rhapsody)
    PopOver (Rhapsody)
    Fetch (Mac OS 9 and Mac OS X)
    RBrowser (Mac OS X and Rhapsody)
Image/Document editing:

  • Photoshop/Image Ready (Mac OS 9 and Mac OS X)
    Acrobat (Mac OS 9 and Mac OS X)
    TIFFany3 (Mac OS X and Rhapsody)
    Create (Mac OS X and Rhapsody)
    Painter (Mac OS 9 and Mac OS X)
Media Editing (Video/Audio):

  • Quicktime Pro (Mac OS 9 and Mac OS X)
    Strata VideoShop (Mac OS 9)
    SoundEdit 16 (Mac OS 9)
    SoundEffects (Mac OS 9)

  • Quake III (Mac OS 9 and Mac OS X)
    Quake II (Mac OS 9 and Rhapsody)
    Doom I & II (Mac OS 9 and Rhapsody)
    Unreal (Mac OS 9)
    Unreal Tournament (Mac OS 9 and Mac OS X)
    Rainbow Six & Rogue Spear (Mac OS 9)
    Bugdom (Mac OS 9)
    Cro-Mag Rally (Mac OS 9 and Mac OS X)
I don't think there is a MacOSX version yet - and i don't really believe there will ever be one.

And for Adobe & Mac OS X - there never was a patch to run their products on OSX - in most cases simply the next version (X.0 upgrades that costs money) added support for OSX