Aquafy Windows Me

I would, but you know the whole "don't pirate software because companies lose money" and stuff like that. I am morally convicted…:(
dude no, its not hurting them. if you dont have the moeny and your not gonig to buy it then they arnt geting the money anyway. if i had the mo ney i would buy it to. but i dont and why should that stop you from becoming a great graphic designer.
lol, I get it. Ok, I'll do it. As soon as I'm done with Jaguar (I started at 11:00 this morning, but I'm on a slow server. It is the only one I could find)

BTW, My friend talked me into somthing like this once: He said that staying in a movie theater to see more than one movie while only paying for one ticket is perfectly moral because they make all their movie off of the food, so if you buy food you can see as man movies as you'd like while only paying for one ticket.
technically, I suppose you could get by with just one small popcorn, which is about $3.00 at my local theater

btw, I'm going to see STARWARS 2 again, but this time in digital!! Has anyone seen it digitally to tell me whether it is that much better?