unior Member
I signed up for a macosxmail account.
I never got any email confirming that it worked.
I can login via the web page at: .
Then I get a menu. Some of the menu items seem to work, (Generate a new Random ID, Spam Block) but most of them (Modiffy your Account Settings, Manage temporary email ids) send me back to the login screen.
(Could be a browser problem - I'm running Mozilla 0.7 for linux at the moment. But I don't think so...)
Are the acccounts working for anyone else?
I never got any email confirming that it worked.
I can login via the web page at: .
Then I get a menu. Some of the menu items seem to work, (Generate a new Random ID, Spam Block) but most of them (Modiffy your Account Settings, Manage temporary email ids) send me back to the login screen.
(Could be a browser problem - I'm running Mozilla 0.7 for linux at the moment. But I don't think so...)
Are the acccounts working for anyone else?