Are you a longhair?

Are you a long-haired guy?

  • Yes

  • No

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web developer
For some reason, I almost always feel compatible with boys/men with long hair. They often share many of my opinions, and have some of the same interests as myself. They are often mac users to, in fact, and are often either scientists, musicians or artists.
Feel free to post a picture of yourself if you're a longhair, too :)
I would, but don't have a digital camera or anything ;)
I was a long-haired guy, but my friends cut it as my birthday-present...I hate them:mad:

Will be again some time
i have almost long hair. well ist'a not short, i guess in guy way ot's long hair. and ksv thanks for my transparent avatar!
I used to be a longhair... I am a mac user... and a scientist (sorta -> comp.sci) Here's a picture of how I looked back then. And by the way ksv.. I'm norwegian too :)


  • dude.jpg
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Originally posted by vic
i have almost long hair. well ist'a not short, i guess in guy way ot's long hair. and ksv thanks for my transparent avatar!

What? I didn't do that! :D
You might want to add to the poll

"used to be a long-hair"

I had hair down to the middle of my back, and on my 20th birthday it was all chopped.

I liked it when I had it, but short hair has its benefits as well.
Originally posted by twyg
You might want to add to the poll

"used to be a long-hair"

I had hair down to the middle of my back, and on my 20th birthday it was all chopped.

I liked it when I had it, but short hair has its benefits as well.

It doesn't seem possible to edit the poll, but you may ;)

I guess I have to be the moderator of this forum to be able to edit.


Oh well, on the second time this thread is made we'll make sure we do it right. :D
My hair is down to my shoulders currently. I have had it halfway down my back in the past, but that took too much effort to maintain (had to use a creme rinse every time I washed it, or I couldn't comb it).
Somewhere or other I have an old photo of myself riding an off-road motorcycle, with my ultra-long hair flying out behind me.
Peace, love and grow your hair long:)

my photos are already widely available but most of them look vaguely like my avatar anyway.
I have short hair for two reasons.

1. I get too hot when my hair grows out.
2. I have pretty curly hair, so when it gets long, it actually just get wider. I have this thing about wanting to be able to still fit through doorways. I also still want to be able to see out of my rearview mirror when driving. Long hair just wouldn't work for me.

For those of you who have it and like it, grow a few extra inches for me will ya?
Short Hair! One swipe of the towel and you're finished. You do have to watch out for scalp burns though. I'm at about 7mm of hair right now. Let the flaming commence!;)
My hair is down to my waist right now. My beard has some catching up to to ;)

Matrix agent, I disagree - unless you're talking about less than about 2 cm of hair, then you have to comb it or brush it or put some sort of gunk in it every day (or more often).

When my hair was short, I had to comb it about twice daily, and kept getting these silly cowlicks any time I lay down for a few minutes. Now it's kept in order by its own weight; I have to brush it maybe once every two or three days (it's very straight, so tends not to tangle). If I braid it, I can go out dancing all night and when I come home in the morning it's barely tangled.
i have long hair. very dark black, down to my shoulders. i am a scientist (well, a PhD student for theoretical physics), and a musician (well, iu played in my orchestra at my ugrad U, but i haven t played in a while).

stupid stereotype though. i m going to drop out of school and cut my hair and become a beer drinking little league coach to prove that mac users come in all shapes
I'm growing my hair long. For the past two years I've only trimmed it to neaten it, though before that I had a crew cut. Now it is just long enough to need to push back behind my ears, and growing very slowly.

I'm hoping that by the time I finish my degree it'll be down around my shoulders.