Are you a longhair?

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Surprisingly many longhairs here ;)
My hair is a somewhat curly, too, but it's just cool. It looks like my hair is longer than it really is, actually :D
It hasn't been touched by a scissor in almost 2 years, now :cool:
Curly longhairs are seldom-ware, BTW :)
I honestly was thinking about it, and I still might grow my hair long... I think most people I know would find it extremely odd, however. :) I'm in a rather preppy school in New York City, lol I think I'd better wait a while :)

I think when I move out (or at least get away from my parents :P) I might grow it long, but I don't know. I've grown up with the stereotype (can't stand 'em but they do exist) that any blond guy who has long hair is gay... and number 8 on my list of top 50 things I hate the most is people who assume something drastic like that solely based on my appearance. That's why I have "I Don't Give a Shit" Friday every Friday, where I just... don't... care. About anything. Including my appearance :)

Then again, since I'm only 15 I certainly can afford to wait a while before changing my look completely :P
Suprisingly many longhairs here

I think that most people with short hair don't bother to post, there's not too much to say.

I prefer short hair because it doesn't get in your face and cant get pulled or caught in anything. It also keeps you cooler which is a good thing, at least for me. Also, I would guess, when your hair gets bigger it becomes a bigger thing. I would assume that if you had long hair you would have to spend more time combing/washing/styling it.
:confused: Is that true?
I would think that that's probably true. Different people would probably do more or less "work" on their hair if it was long--I think it depends on the person. One of my very good friends grew his hair long, and not only did it suit him MUCH better than short hair, but he also didn't bother combing it or brushing it much, and it worked surprisingly well. He barely spent any time doing anything to it but it worked well anyway. He ended up getting it cut for high school; I guess he felt he needed to fit in more. A shame :(
Bluefusion posted:

That's why I have "I Don't Give a Shit" Friday every Friday, where I just... don't... care. About anything.

:D What a great idea! If I just had a few IDGAS-Fridays in every week, the world would be a much better place. :p
Originally posted by divibisan

I think that most people with short hair don't bother to post, there's not too much to say.

I prefer short hair because it doesn't get in your face and cant get pulled or caught in anything. It also keeps you cooler which is a good thing, at least for me. Also, I would guess, when your hair gets bigger it becomes a bigger thing. I would assume that if you had long hair you would have to spend more time combing/washing/styling it.
:confused: Is that true?

Washing mine takes one or two more minutes than if if was short, but I'd have to comb it anyway (if else my hair becomes a big ball). It's a hell of a job it I don't do it regularily ;)

That's my point about long hair; I look better, and I don't have to put tons of styling gel in it to keep it as I want. With short hair, I'd probably look like a blonde macho :rolleyes:
the amount of time and effort spent on styling and maintaining any hair depends on the style in which it is worn. When i was young and wore long hair, i would dry it by shaking it after a shower (imagine a wet dog shaking off water:p ) that was about it. I wore headbands and hats anytime it might get in my eyes doing something. Then several years later i went to taking lots of care with it and training it and gelling it and all that. I would brush it several times a day. It always looked good but it was as much a pain in the .... as a well styled short hair cut.

now i wear it almost exclusively in a ponytail. I brush it once in the morning, snag and clip, and i am done. Because i am big on keeping rats out of it, i do brush it in the shower while the conditioner is in. This probably amounts to about 2-3 extra minutes. But since i love showers and the feel of hot water on my body, this is a pleasure, not a nuisance.:D

really, long hair can be a lot less care and worry than short hair. unless you have skinhead stlyle short hair. and then keeping it cut is probably more work than i would ever want to put into my hair. I also think it is something of a myth that long hair makes you hotter. but it will keep your neck warmer in cold weather. now a beard is another story. it definitly is hotter in hot weather and keeps your face nice and warm in the winter. which is why i shave mine off every summer and then regrow it in the fall.:)
Originally posted by ebolag4
I have short hair for two reasons.

1. I get too hot when my hair grows out.
2. I have pretty curly hair, so when it gets long, it actually just get wider. I have this thing about wanting to be able to still fit through doorways. I also still want to be able to see out of my rearview mirror when driving. Long hair just wouldn't work for me.

For those of you who have it and like it, grow a few extra inches for me will ya?
'fro's are starting to come back into style.

Ed, I agree - it's the easiest possible hair style (other than the shaved head). I just brush my hair in the morning, put it in a ponytail, and that's it. It stays out of my face without me having to put lots of crap in it, and I never have to worry about needing a haircut (once or twice a year I get a few inches cut off, if I feel like it.)

Yes, it keeps your neck warm in the winter, but how cold does it really get in the Bay Area, Ed? :cool:

-tony (in Minnesota)
granted, it is a different kind of cold, but living on the cost we have high winds and fog. these make for a very bone chilling cold. especially at night. It is not the same as icicles that form in your beard in the snow belt, but it is uncomfortable just the same. plus you get more adjusted to the moderate temps and then relative cold changes.

i think the problem that most people havewith long hair is going thru the transition phase, where it is neither long nor short and tends to be a real nuisance. Just like a lot of guys can't get past a week growing a beard because of the itching during that phase.:D
I'm currently struggling with that transitional phase -- my hair is in my eyes, but I really can't do much about it. I am very close to cropping it all off... :p I used to have long hair, but I don't remember how I made it through this transition before...
Haven't cut it since '94. My boss wouldn't allow me, because most customers recognise me this way.
My wife would like me to cut it to shoulder lenght. It gets kinda inpractical during night time activities...:rolleyes:
Yeah - I hate it when my dogs run across the pillow and step on my hair. Or when I turn over and wake up because I am choking on my hair... :D
Umm, actually, yes. Small dogs -- they sleep in bed with me (under the covers, even). The littlest (about 5 pounds) has no regard for the human body. She runs across my face, steps on my hair when she runs across the pillow, bounces off of my stomach, et cetera.

I know, everyone will now have a reason to think I am bizarre... :D