This thing is getting pretty fishy. First off I've heard two figures 25TF and 15TF... I can see it hitting 15 but not 25. Secondly, the guy that is running this Cosa show or whatever the company is didn't plan things out to well in my opinion. First off, I there is no mention of cooling or anything. Then he tells everyone he is going to stick 800 xserves in a room that is only 600 sq feet!!!! My god It is going to be about 500 degrees in that room. The quicktime movie showing the big mac cluster at Vtech is in a room probably about 40 feet long by 40 wide that is like 1600 sq feet. This guy is planning on putting all those xserves in a 20 x 30 room. What is he planning on opening a waffle house or something. If this thing fails or a few of the xserves fail due to heat issues this is going to be a big black eye for them. I can just see Microsoft shelling out all the money for these xserves, telling them we'll take care of it just buy them put them in these ordinary racks in this clothes closet of a room and watch them burn up. When Apple is laughed out of the super computer world, we'll give you the processing power you need for free. Apple better watch it. That is the big difference between cray, sparc, hp, ibm... they actually have people that take care of all these matters. Our company but 3 crays about 6 years ago. To this day none have failed. No, one doubts crays reliability or for that matter sparc or ibm. I hope apple didn't bite off more than they can chew. Even if these bad boys run non-stop for 2 years. If they go kapoot... it's going to be a little embarrassing. Crossing my fingers on this one.