article: is your Mac fast enough?

I had that problem for a little while, it went away ages ago though. Dunno what I did.

I've noticed that Cocoa apps launch really fast. The Carbon applications usually take quite a bit longer. I guess I'll just wait for Dreamweaver to go Cocoa. Not that I need it, skEdit rulez :D
Banner is the one who uses the Macs! I'm the one who smashes Wintels
You should watch the movie again. Hulk does a bad thing and smashes a Mac. A very nice Mac at that. Bad Hulk, bad Hulk. ::evil:: No pudding for you. ::ha::

Originally posted by Randman
You should watch the movie again. Hulk does a bad thing and smashes a Mac. A very nice Mac at that. Bad Hulk, bad Hulk. ::evil:: No pudding for you. ::ha::


Here in Greece the Hulk movie isn't out yet :mad: Still, in the movie the things I smash, aren't real! ;)

Originally posted by hulkaros The problem you describe is strange. Do you have it in other apps which let you type, too? Sounds strange... So, strange and it isn't normal, too... [/B]
I think it's only fair that I point out that I have been using Silk, a haxie to anti-alias fonts in Carbon apps. Even ICQ (v3.2, the new one AA fonts now) would pause when receiving a message or sending a message.

But then I disabled Silk and I still see the slow text appearing behavior. So fair it's only in Camino and when I type in a text field. It's weird that even though Camino is Cocoa based, I get the nagging Silk "Trial period is over" message. Like I said, I disabled Silk and Camino still does this, now it does it when I've typed a lot in a text box.
Did you try to download a newer nightly build of Camino? Also, did you try to search and trash for good ALL silk related prefs/plists/etc?

Personally, I download almost every single nightly build of Camino and as of now if my favorite browser! :D
If I wasn't so lazy another solutoin would be to open TextEdit and type my posts there then copy/paste it into this little box :) Again, if I wasn't so lazy.
I can just imagine that guy with the mullet from the blockbuster commercials
jumping into the article saying, "Are ya fast enough?!"
Originally posted by Lycander

I'm using an iBook2 800 MHz with QE enabled on a ATI Radeon 7500. This is not old, and the behavior is unacceptable!

Watch my signature, same machine. Behaviour is MORE than acceptable. The machine's just dandy. How much RAM do you have? If you have less than 640 MB, just upgrade. But it might also be that your 'acceptance' barrier is just a tad high. ;-)
I have 640 RAM installed, and I'm a neat freak so I had disabled as many things I don't need and close every app as soon as I'm done using it so RAM is not a problem.

Yes my "acceptance" barrier is high, I'll admit that. Don't hate me for saying this, but it's the truth: Windows is more responsive even on a weaker system. But to redeem myself, there's plenty of other great things about OSX that make up for the lack of "perceived" performance.
Well, if you want to go there, OS 9 is more responsive when I'm typing a reply than apparently it is on your machine. But that's not the reason for choosing one OS over another.

Hulk, you should put PC in your signature instead of humans. Don't smash people, people are good! Smash PC's, PC's are bad.
I don't notice it happening anymore, couple things I've done:

1) Reinstalled OSX 10.2 today

2) Not using Silk anymore

3) Replaced Aqua theme with a more light-weight QNX theme.

Although I haven't really typed long posts in any forums I go to - the slow down occurs mostly when I've typed a lot of text in this box - this iBook is feeling a bit better. Took lots of tweaking but I'm learning to live with it. After a while I just get use to it.

I put Yellow Dog Linux on here yesterday (hence the need to reinstall OSX). KDE is definitely more responsive than OSX, but I couldn't get sleep and airport to work, so back to OSX I am.
I can't believe how fast some of the higher end mac's are... Jaguar runs like a beast for me on my humble little iMac... Never does the finder hang, and app's like iPhoto and Graphic Converter are a little slow, but mostly while they are loading. They speed up while I actually use them. A Dual 2.0Ghz G5 with 8GB of ram... Holy shit man...
Just to give you a little idea of exactly _how_ different expectations can be...

I've recently used my old Blueberry iBook (300 MHz G3, 192 MB of RAM) again. The person I've sold it to wanted me to reinstall everything, so for fun, I've installed the Mac OS X Public Beta again (a Cheetah build, 2Xxxsomething) and wrote a short story in TextEdit. And guess what: The little machine was a perfect OS X machine for me for that moment.

Now, on my newer iBook, I do some serious work. I'm using InDesign 2 and Photoshop 7, for example. I have a 1280*1024 17" TFT hooked up to it (using a firmware modification). Sure: Some things are certainly slower than they would be on a Dual 1.42 GHz PowerMac. I don't really want to know, even. And even less how fast it'd be on a G5. I can work very well on this machine and am actually making money with my graphics design, writing etc.

However, back on the real topic from the beginning: Yes, I was also able to do graphics design and word processing at similar speeds back in whatwasthatyear on my PowerBook 520c (25/50 MHz 68LC040 Motorola processor, 24 MB RAM, System 7.5.5) and the accompagnying (spelling?!) PowerMac 8200 (120 MHz PowerPC 601 by IBM with 128 MB RAM, Mac OS 7.6.x). However: My products certainly lacked some things that just weren't possible at those times. The wonderful type features of InDesign, for example, and working in Photoshop took longer for similarly sized files.
The 520c was 1994-1995.

Better than Windows, right? Which is faster for you, fryke?
Today I worked for some time on rather recent PC's with XP and 2000... And I wasn't impressed of the speed at all... Even in the blazingly fast (according to rumors I hear) IE I was sometimes annoyed by strange and not at all fast rendering behaviour. On the 2000 machine I couldn't do anything while I was transfering some files. At those moments you enjoy being on a multitasking OS... I just learned to love that, often I am doing lot of stuff at the same time. The thing is that you really have to learn that your machine is MT, e.g. I often observe my dad waiting during certain processes ;-).
Btw. I could install iDiskutility on XP without admin-acces, but couldn't run it... I suppose that's not the way installations should be.

Anyway, back on topic. I think my macs speed is OK, although I encounter the beachball of dead from time to time and that sometimes annoys me. Especially when unplugging the UTP cable (by accident) while a remote disk is mounted...
I like how if you get the beachball in one application (or the Dock), you can move over another and it will change to the arrow, showing that you can switch to this program and it will run fine.