as intel rolls out 3 ghz and beyond.. wheres amd??


AMD 2400 and 2600 ??
You'll remember that AMD told us there would be no 166MHz FSB parts when we last talked to them in person, well AMDMB is doing a little of the top secret "heard it from a friend" thing and going with a story saying that the 166MHz FSB is on, and it will yeild 2400 and 2600 CPU's out of AMD running at 2GHz and 2.1GHz respectfully. Interesting even if it doesn't pan out.

I have news of the next Athlon XP processors to be released as the 2400+ and and 2600+ to combat the on going competition from Intel. While simple speed increases are not big news for a processor, there is more to this than meets the eye. Even before the introduction of the Athlon XP 2200+ processor, AMD knew they were having a small problem with the .13 micron cores and thus a second revision of the Thoroughbred core was put underway. This new revision, while not officially announced (and it may not be) is under going some testing with great results. The 2400+ processor is set to run at 2.0 GHz and the 2600+ processor is looking to be at 2.13 Ghz. As Intel has plans of releasing a 3.0 Ghz processor towards the end of this year, this kind of speed boost from AMD is desperately needed -- perhaps even more.

[quote from]
Cant wait for a stock 2Ghz Athlon @ 333 fsb mine is overclocked at the moment too 304mhz fsb but with 166 standard 2.3ghz Athlons @ 440 fsb should be possible with good RAM.
no sh*t, but right now its losing the battle, and with the hammer coming out maybe december at the LEAST, it needs something to contend with the soaring clock rates of the p4. current athlon architecture, with its 256k of L2 and its 133(DDR266) bus is really lagging. the upcoming barton core, with its 512k cache and supposed 166(DDR333) bus can hopefully close the gap for now.

just like what amd did when the athlon wasnt out yet.. they released the k6-3, then k6-2 plus, etc etc.

itll help for the time being, and i agree the hammer should be a priority, but amd needs to catch up with intel NOW
the inquirer says 333fsb athlons are a go, they are nearly allways right. It will only be a matter of time now.
Originally posted by djhpr
no sh*t, but right now its losing the battle, and with the hammer coming out maybe december at the LEAST, it needs something to contend with the soaring clock rates of the p4.

?? Haven't we learned our lesson about clock rates yet?
Originally posted by mdnky

?? Haven't we learned our lesson about clock rates yet?

yes we have learned our lesson about clock rates, but the athlon architecuture isnt gonna get any faster by just staying at the same clockrate and tweaking the ipc, as thats already being done with the hammer. amd enginneers dont have the time to rework the whole damn architecture. its about time for the athlon to ramp up its clockrate. im not a dumbass, and i know that an athlon at 1.53 Ghz can do the same amount of work, or more, than that off a 2 Ghz P4.

you need to read more of the thread. the only reason the p4 is faster is due to its extremely high clock rates, and of course cant the athlon scale just a little bit more to catch up?