AtAT Returning MONDAY!

That's a tentative date, but hopefully everything works out. I'm really in AtAT withdrawal... they always have provided a laugh every day. :)
I e-mailed Halloween Jack about that. It seems that Apple has turned a blind eye toward for a long time, and they don't want to push Apple over the edge by converting to an aqua style design.
I think if Apple Legal threatened AtAT, a LOT of Mac users would probably get angry with Apple Legal, meaning very bad PR. I doubt AtAT will ever get touched :D

Apple can't sue them for using the aqua style on a website. That is total bull. They can only sue over themes and stuff.
It's As The Apple Turns. YA mac news site. I have only been to it about 3 times. I can probably name more than a dozen sites that are aqua-ish though. Why were they picking on them?
It is a great mac news site. They have real news, but they make it funny.

They aren't picking on them, they are afraid they will, but I don't think Apple would pick on them. First of all I don't know if they would have much of a case, and anyways it is a site that reports positively about apple.
I was introduced to AtAT the day that they stopped broad casting :( I've gotten caught up on some of the more recent episodes and I've been checking every day to see if they are up yet. I'm excited to see them come back.

I personally don't think the theme has anything to do with legal stuff. They could get in trouble for some of the rumors they post but the OS 9 theme is probably to keep it looking under budget like a soap opera or just for lack of time.
A while back in a viewer mail column, Jack addressed the issue of an updated look to the ATAT site, he basically said that to keep their look distinct from other mac news sites, they were leaving ATAT in the class Mac OS look because every other Mac news site had jumped on the Aqua bandwagon.

But who knows, I am sure one day they will overhaul the site and at least add some lickable, aqua goodness to it.

Can't wait till Monday.

I too have been going through withdrawl for the last month....