ATI 7500 PCI -- PC edition !?


IS it possiable to flash a PC version of the ATI Radeon 7000 PCI to work with the mac ?? I have heard of successful stories of people doing it this way for the 8500 series to avoid the outragious prices for the Mac Edition --- Could the same be done for the ATI Radion PCI 7000?

Man I hope so
$40 for the PC version
$110 for the Mac Edition
I too am interested in this project. Please keep me informed. May I ask where did you find the PC versions of the ATI Radeon 7000 PCI? has PC card pretty cheaply ......

just wish I knew the proccess to flash it so that it would work on the mac
I was wondering about this exact same thing, so I did some digging on Usenet.

From what I was able to gather, there was only one version of the Radeon 7000 PCI card for the PC which would properly flash to turn it into a Mac version. (Apparently had something to do with which version of the firmware storage chip they had soldered onto the board in different revisions of the card.)

The general concensus was that it's too much trouble (and risk of damaging a card, if it happens to not be the correct revision to accept the Mac firmware flash properly). The extra $'s you pay ATI for the Mac version of their Radeon helps pay back their reseach & development expenses they paid out, up front, to give Mac users a version of their card to begin with. Maybe it's worth forking over the extra $50 or so to encourage further Mac support from ATI.....
Shouldn't Apple pay for the "Mac'isation" of the card ? Why should the driver be different for Mac and PC ?
Hey there, I’m really interested too, how you can flash an ATI Radeon 7500 Card for PC to work in a Mac! I’m living in Germany and there are not so many Mac Parts at eBay like in America, so it is much easier to get a PC Card, flash them and put it in my Cube. If anybody knows something, please write it to me.