ATI 8500 or 9000?


Im looking to install a second video card for my G4DP (it already has stack GF MX440 32mb). I have a Hercules 15"LCD (VGA) and a Apple Studio Display CRT (ADC).

I can get the ATI 8500 for $450Aus
ATI 9000 for $390

Which is the better me please!!!
I have purchased a 64 meg ATI Radeon 9000 Pro for $160... is your G4 DPI or AGP? I am still waiting for the order, but I did research and its a good card.
I think it is AGP..........

I wonder how long before the new Mac graphics cards are out likt the ATI 9800...hum
If I remember correctly, the 9000 was designed as a less-expensive-to-build 8500. The 8500 may be a bit faster in certain circumstances.

Hey Langley - I had a 8500 in my old Mac and when I bought my DP 1 GHz I swapped the 9000 in it for the 8500. Though the 8500 is a little better card, it is a slight advantage over the 9000, but nothing you would really see or notice in everyday non-gaming computing and/or even gaming. I'd go with whatever you can get the best price on, but if games are a big concern, maybe you should go for a newer card?

There are a few posts out on this issue - and I remember finding some sites that list the one or two differences between these cards. I'd give you some links, but I have to run! Also, call ATI - they seem nice enough and know way more than I do! (not hard to do).
I want to buy a graphics card now but none of the new cards are even out yet. Im sure the 8500 and the 9000 are good....but not good enough (Unreal 2003).

So I guess I will wait till the new cards become 'old' and then they will realse them.......grrrrrr.

All I want is a good graphics card lol.
There is no 'good' graphics card out that I can install....thats just dandy!

Is anyone thinking we a in graphics card limbo at the moment. Jez.......

I'm not sure how much you are looking to spend on a video card, but the ATI 9800 pro has been available from ATI for a few weeks now. It is the top video card out for macs right now, with a price of $399.00 from ATI's website. Although it doesn't have the ADC port that the cards that come from Apple have, it does have a dvi port.
Again, I'm not sure what price range your looking at, but you could get a dvi to adc adapter from apple for $99.00. has the cards currently listed at $352.45.
For a review on the 9800 pro, go to