ATi cards on unsupported Macs


I have recently bought a ATI Nexus 128, hoping it should work in Mac OSX.

But when I boot Mac OS X, I get a kernel panic!
And I cant get anywhere after this panic.....please help me!

(I used Ryan Rempels instructions, OS X worked before I installed my new video card!)

Powermac 8500.
Sonnet Crescendo G3 @ 333mhz.
256mb RAM.
ATi Nexus 128.
Mac OSX 10.0.4.
Mac OS 9.1.
Please try this.
If you have two vga cables and only a monitor you can use theese cables for getting a secondary irtual monitor.
>Start OSX with your motherboard video.
>Open system preferences.
>Select monitor control panel.
>Select "arrange"
>For use ati videoboard as primary video, move the menu bar from the first monitor's icon to the second.
>Shut down your monitor.
>Unplug the vga cable from your monitor and plug ati's vga cable to your monitor.
>Switch on your monitor and here you are.
>Your Ati card is the first, just now.
>Shut down your computer.
>When your computer started, you'll have to wait bacause the monitor starts later than your computer.
>Don't remove your onboard vga video cable.
>If you do, you'll have kernel panic message.
>It's all.
Try this with caution.
Really, I don't know if it'll work.
Try It. If you haven't a good system response. Don't panic.
It's (I think) a reversible process.