I just bought a Radeon 7000 for my B&W G3. A steal at 110. But since I have PCI graphics, even the 32MB card doesn't mean anything to Jaguar's Quartz Extreme. What the hell is that? Aside from a faster data bus, is it really that different that they couldn't support it? I know you can plug a PCI card into an AGP slot and have it work (or was that the other way around?), albeit at a lower speed. is anyone familiar enough with these archictectures to clue me an as to why I'm now being left behind TWICE (RagePro in my beige G3, now PCI graphics in the B&W series.)
Should I just get into the market for a used G4 AGP 2x motherboard? I've still got no AGP graphics board tho and that bites, i'll have to get that too. I'm NOT buying a whole new system. I just dumped an 80GB drive and G4 450 into this thing.