ATI Radeon in Australia..


Digital Music Pimp

I'm looking at upgrading my video card (along with some other stuff) from the standard ATI Rage 128 pro (16mb, ADC & VGA ) to something newer, that is Quartz Extreme compatible. My first thought was the ATI Radeon 9000 Pro, as this is the first aftermarket Radeon with ADC, and I don't want to spend squillions on a 3 year old computer. However. lists the card at $AU450. That's frickin crazy.

Someone I know can get me an ATI Radeon 9200(made by some generic PC co.) with DVI & 128mb for ~$AU150. Admittedly that is basically wholesale. But a 9000 is old now. Does anyone have any suggestions? I am not 100% fixed on ATI, but it seems to me the Radeons give better performance than the GeForce4s.

If someone has info on a decent ADC/Q. Extreme compatible card that is priced decently, in Australia, please let me know.


That Radeon 9200 is for a PC, not a Mac, and that's why it's cheaper. Significantly cheaper. The PCs got it good right now in terms of video cards -- they're MUCH cheaper than their Macintosh equivalents. Just wanted to give you a heads-up that you might wanna let your buddy know you're on a Macintosh. The video cards are NOT cross-platform compatible.

Also, there are no aftermarket NVidia cards available for sale (see: If you're looking to purchase a card for your Macintosh, you'll be forced to go with ATi.
I told him (actually he's a friend of a friend) and he said he can't find one (never heard of ADC) but that he's gonna keep looking.

He then also went on to tell me his expert opinion on why macs won't be around in ten years, but hey. if he wants to beleive that, let him.(i still haven't met a PC guy like that -middle-aged, small business, you know the type- whose opinion isn't "i don't use it, so it has to be crap")

Anyways. cheers eldiablo. guess i have to choose between $200 suits for work and a video card then eh.. :p