Audio/Video match? Whats wrong?


Hey there!

My first post, and literally just joined!

I need help desperately! I am one of those who make videos on YouTube. I have an iBook G4, use Quicktime pro to capture the video using a crappy creative webcam. The cam isnt meant to work on a mac but i use macam :)

The last 6 months i have made videos with no problem at all... Since i installed the latest version of QT Pro, the audio and video just wont match up!

Can someone tell me what im doing wrong?

I made a video about it a few minutes ago... And each video i make, the audio/video matches are getting worse!

Is there anyone that can help me, and tell me whats wrong?


I cant tell you which model it is, but lets just say it was a cheap one!

No, no driver as it wasnt made for the Mac, so i installed macam to do it for me. QT Pro will use it easily to record sound and audio, but since i installed the new QT pro the audio/video wont match! Before that it was perfect. maybe it isnt anything to do with QT Pro though.. But as i use it to record the videos and since i installed the new one, its gone wrong.. Im figuring it is a QT Pro problem?
With the advent of UVC - Universal Video Class USB 2.0 webcams - finding a Mac compatible web cam will be alot easier in 2008 and beyond. OS X Tiger 10.4.9+ and Leopard 10.5 now have native support for UVC webcams - drivers not needed. But finding UVC webcams is tricky, only a very few Logitech and Creative cameras are UVC but the high end 9000 and Optia respectively have very good lenses, light-sensitivity and image quality. There's a short-list of IT JUST WORKS models at Windows Vista has native support for UVC compliant cams too - so I think this long-standing MESS of trying to find working USB Maccams will soon be a thing of the past.