Auto Authentication??


Hi Everyone,

I'm just wondering if there is a way to auto authenticate in OSX? Basically i'm logged in as admin (which is the only account i've created) and i still don't have access to create folders in the HD/Applications folder. In order to accomplish this, i have to create a folder on the desktop, drag it in, and authenticate. I also don't have access to drag programs around (so i can clean up the folder, etc). I used netInfo manager to set my password to nothing (blank) but it still asks me. Any ideas?

If you Get Info on the Applications folder, and check in Ownership & Permissions, you should see that the owner is system, and that you can Read & Write. If that is not what you see, you should first try repairing permissions through Disk Utility. That will reset the main system permissions and ownership to normal settings, and may fix it up for you. If you have created 'unusual' permissions and ownership on your system, then that may not help. You can change the Applications folder ownership, but it should be owned by the system. Be careful about changing permissions and ownership. If you don't know what you are doing, you can really cause problems. If you do feel comfortable with modifying permissions, and understand the intent, a utility such as BatChmod can do wonders to get things working right, or to modify your use of the system for various purposes.
Of course, you still have a password, it's just blank (not 'nothing'), and your keychain password is likely still set.